I was diagnosed with WMD ( left eye) 4 years ago and have had more than 30 injections of Eylea/Lucentis. My sight is 20/20 (6/6) in both eyes and apparently stable though there is still some fluid visible on the scan. The period between injections is increasing as the fluid has not gone away but also has not changed for several months.
My diagnosis and treatment followed a dramatic change over 24 hours and a visit to a local optometrist. I was lucky, and was quickly 'sorted'.
4 years down the line, I remember ( I think) that the left eye was never that perfect before all this started. There was distortion in the left eye that I ignored because it was minimal and the right eye compensated for it.
I am thinking that the treatment I have had has 'dealt with' the condition that led me to Moorfields A&E and taken me to the state that existed before - slight distortion and 'residual' fluid.
Of course, there is no information available for the left eye before the deterioration that led to treatment.
I would be interested to hear from others with similar experience.
Web searches for where to discuss this have proved fruitless, the accent as ever being on treatment or support.
I am thinking that continued injections will never get rid of the remaining fluid - which is OK by me as my sight is 'good', but in no way do I want to give the impression that I don't want any more treatment!