has anyone had any problems with the social security about the back to work programme. I was awarded 0 out of 18 points at my last interview. i have had lupus since 1999 and had a kidney transplant in 2010. i have since appealed as the DLA are about to cut my benefits off.
DLA: has anyone had any problems with the social... - LUPUS UK

Hi, you need to say how thse problems affect you, stating the diagnosis is not enough as not everyone is severely affected by an illness. Sorry to be harsh but you have not given us any othEr information.
i have written to the dla appealing against their decision. i have explained to them about how lupus affects me and that on the day they saw me was a good day for me. I have since had a letter from them saying that they will look after their decision again. meanwhile i have got my consultant involved.I am yet to hear from them.
Don't worry i got 0 1st time when assessed for ESA & was then rejected for DLA using the same interview info- in both cases i appealed & eventually won- it does take a long time but as soon as you register an appeal (just a brief letter) they will continue paying some ESA until it's sorted- you do need to get help from CAB or your local centre for disability/independent living as they can advise you & help you on how to gather evidence fr yr appeal etc. so don't panic! Get help! Good luck!
i have registered my appeal and they have acknowledged my letter. Waiting for my consultant to reply to me. I didn't know i could go to the CAB for advice. Thanks for telling me. DLA don 't tell you anything about appealing, they are too busy trying to get you off benefits.
I was placed on the activity group for esa and appealed to be put on the support group. I had to stop work and was signed off by occupitonal health because working caused reccurent flares and eventual relapse of my illness. My extreme fatigue, breathelssness and joint pains makes it extremely difficult to do basic things, so working would be impossible for me. I found it difficult to get help with my appeal from cab because they have such a long waiting list. so I sent as much information as I could to the appeals court after I loged my appeal, including letters from my consultant, info on lupus in connection to my symptoms and letters from those who help me regularly. I also sent a statement explaining why I feel I need to be placed in the support group and refered to my consultant's letter. On the day of the appeal I received a telephone call telling me I had been sucessful. I was so relieved, because the stress of waiting for a year to get a result was taking its toll. Also my atos experience demolished my confidence and I didn't believe I would receive any justice. This result has helped to rebuild my faith in the justice system.
Thanks for the advice for getting information on having lupus and how it affects me..It is a good idea to gather info on my illness also my kidney transplant which i had 3 years ago. I still have to go to transplant clinic frequently to check that my kidney is still working properly. i know that the DLA were not impressed with that. Thanks.
Hi Sandwiches, If you click on 'Tags' at the top of the page, you will find a list of topics, including ESA and DLA. There may be some good advice in some of the comments. Good luck! xxx
Can someone tell me what ESA is please as I am just applying for DLA for the first time I would love to stop working as my pain is there everyday but think that's maybe due to working too . I thought I could only apply for DLA you don't k ow what or what not you can apply for, I am going to ask my work if I can go part time as I can't afford to stop working altogether although I know I maybe should but can't afford to ;( x x x
Hi kgreig ESA is Employment and Support Allowance for anyone on alow income. It's replacing Income Support and Incapacity Benefit. As your applying for DLA for the first time I'd advise you to go to your local C.A.B who will be able to help you fill in the form. You have to describe your illness at it's very worst for DLA. The C. A.B will also be able to advise you on these other benefits, they were so helpful to me. I wouldn't have got my DLA alone. Good Luck.
hi misty14
many thanks for letting me know its just so hard to know what you should or should not apply for , take care x x
Hi kgreig
I've had to follow my own advice and gone to my C.A.B for advice on Appealing my ESA , being put in the wrong category and they have been so helpful today and will do the Appeal. I hope you have similar help. It's hard enough being ill without this added stress for us. Good luckx
I am having to fight for my DLA and ESA too!! So know how you feel. I was on highest rate of DLA for mobility and care and now they say I am entitled to lowest rate care and no mobility even though I have a full time Carer and now have more problems than when first claiming.
I thought I was going to lose everything but then seen my occupational therapist who has said she will be my advocate and fight this for me as stress isn't good for people with our problems. I am also writing to my specialists and asking them for there support.
I know it is a hard battle but as my OT said they awarded it me before and now I have more problems they are saying I need less.
Good luck and remember you are not alone in this battle
i am on the lowest rate of DLA even when i was on diaylsis they said that i wasn't entitled to any help even thou i live on my own. now that i have had a transplant they have said i am fit enough to work even thou i don't feel up to it. i still get a lot of joint pain, and frequently go to transplant clinic. I am still waiting on a reply from DLA about my appeal. The stress is no good for me. making my hair grey! Thanks for the advice.