Tawanda Pendeke (Health Psychology postgraduate student) at De Montford University in Leicester is looking for 8-10 men with lupus that are willing to participate in a research study.
The research will be looking at exploring the life experiences of men that have been diagnosed with lupus. They will be examining coping strategies, disease impact, support, medications, relationships with self and others and perhaps look at other areas of importance relating to the condition.
The participants will be required for a semi-structured interview, which will be voice recorded. Participants will be given pseudonyms for anonymity purposes. The interviews will last roughly 45-60 minutes. All participants must be aged 18 years and over. Face to face interviews are preferred; however phone interviews will be sufficient if you are unable to get to Leicester. Interviews will begin around March/April.
If you are interested in participating, or would like more information, please email Tawanda on p09289134@myemail.dmu.ac.uk