Ok anyone interested in coming to Sheffield meeting, please can you let me know how you feel about the following...
1 Date of meeting - I was thinking that Saturday would be the best day as most people tend to be free on the weekends. Am going to suggest Saturday 23 February as a possibility, or Saturday 23 March.
2 Time of meeting - As this is the first (hopefully!) meeting, I suggest we each pay for what we have food/drink wise. With this in mind, do we want to meet for lunch or just a coffee and chat? I want this to be available to as many as possible and don't want to cause any financial strain on anyone so again I would appreciate your thoughts.
3 Paul has said that he will advertise the meeting on Facebook/twitter/blog, so I think it would be nice if we have a catchy name for the meeting rather than just 'Sheffield Meeting' lol... Please, if you can think of anything let me know as this is not my strong point!
Email addresses/contact details would be useful for me so I can keep you informed, thanks to those that have already given them xx