Is this drug prescribed for lupus in general, or for those people with both lupus & RA?
Methatrexate?: Is this drug prescribed for lupus in... - LUPUS UK

It is prescribed for lupus. And it is prescribed for RA. I expect if you have both conditions, it may be prescribed because the root cause of both diseases is a malfunctioning immune system, and MTX works, like other lupus and RA drugs, by damping down the immune system.

Thanks Maggie, I have SLE, but not RA. I cannot tolerate oral meds, so I am trying to find an injectable alternative to suggest to my rheumy. I had good results with oral azathioprine initially, but this is very expensive as IM injection. I will obviously discuss it with rheumy & see what she says, but wanted to get other lupies feed back first. X
Hi Roobarb, I have just been prescribed this for lupus and polymyositis, I'm guessing it for the reason Maggie said to dampen down the immune system.
Really hope it works for you mstr. Will you let me know how you get on?
Hi Roobarb, So far after my first dose I seem to be fine, bit nauseous on day after taking it but nothing unbearable and headachy a bit. I read to drink lots of water to flush the toxins out and don't know if this is true but it did seem to help the head. I can honestly say it's the first time for 6 months that I feel normal. The pains under my ribs/stomach area are gone and my head feels clear. I thin
sorry I pressed enter too early. I know it is early days and I have to increase my dosage fortnightly so there may be some dodgy days ahead whilst I try to adjust. I also know it's about lifestyle changes too so am eating healthy, back to etc. So far so good but I am fearful to say that just in case and I'm aware the flare ups/symptoms can return. No doubt whatsoever I needed something stronger though and I guess all I can suggest is anything your consultant recommends to try. I was nervous completely and expected to be up half the night vomitting (and that may happen so I'm still prepared). For the first time in months I feel like me. Hope you are ok too xxx
It must be nice to feel almost normal again! I met a guy who had been on long term metha last week who had some tips to deal with the sickness, if it does became bothersome for you. He said folic acid did the trick for him. Were you prescribed an ant acid with it also? I think that's standard practice with this drug.
Hi there, yes I was and was told to take it 3 days after to prevent side effects. If I have any bother I have to ring the rheumy nurse who will recommend more folic acid to take. I still feel it's all a bit of a learning curve and I really must find out whether I will be on this long term. It seems this illness brings new questions each time.
Both. Lupus medication is mainly 'borrowed' from treatments for other illnesses. MTX was originally used for RA, immunosuppressants were initially used for transplants, antimalarials were used as their name suggests, even now the research is applied to existing drugs, as bringing a new drug on the market is a very expensive and long process.
Thanks purple top, sounds like it might a possible alternative for me. I'm getting a bit desperate!
It isn't that effective for organ involvement, mainly used for joint/connective tissue pain and vasculitis. Do you have any organ involvement?
No organ involvement, thanks goodness. But possible peripheral vasculitis, awaiting test results. The problem is, I can't tolerate oral meds, so need an alternative & metha is commonly given as IM injection.
I feel like I'm going in circles with local rheumies, but have been told about a good lupus specialist. So I think that's my next step, as they will have more experience, & hopefully other ideas of what might be suitable for me. Thanks for your valuable input. X