Up to a couple of months ago i was really enjoying my job and now i dont want to be there. Cant seem to get myself back to where i was. They have reduced my hours for the next few weeks because im just so tired, numbness in hands, dizzy spells, memory loss and balance problems. Been for 2 brain scans last week to try and find out whats wrong. Consultant says try not to worry, haha, not easy. Everytime im in work i feel like crying cause i,ve had enough. I dont know if i'm really not happy there or its the Lupus messing with my head. Maybe i should step down from my job and just go back to a less responsibility. Would make my life easier, but financially it wont. Trying to wait until my hospital appt and hopefully get some answers to whats going on. People dont understand, they think i just dont want to work anymore. Have to win the lottery first.
Sorry for the rant x