Neck Cracking and popping Problems: Does anyone... - LUPUS UK


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Neck Cracking and popping Problems

behappy1 profile image
17 Replies

Does anyone suffer from continual neck pain and cracking / popping? Is this lupus, or general arthritis? Any suggestions on what helps x

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behappy1 profile image
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17 Replies
JudeeB profile image

I find that continual neck pain and across my upper back and shoulder blades (which I think then makes my arms ache as well!) is my most persistent symptom and the one that troubles me the most. If I move my head around the cracking and popping, which I have been told is bubbles of nitrogen gas popping, is really quite loud. Your question, is this lupus or general arthritis, is one I ask myself, and my husband, quite often and I am not sure how to get an answer or even if an answer to the question would actually help much- although that might be ignorance on my part. Things I do to help alleviate the pain and discomfort are a whole series of stretches which I got from a physiotherapist (which my rheumatologist referred me to) and I have added to them myself - it it hurts a bit (not a lot!) then it is probably doing me good - , a wheat bag on my neck sometimes help to relax the muscle tension, a massage (by my husband as I can't afford the real thing) which seems to free my neck and shoulder blades over a period of time if the muscles have spasmed and won't release, swimming so long as you swim with your face under the water so there is no strain on the neck, I sit watching TV with my arms over a large cushion which helps a bit presumably because it stretches the muscles which have tensed up around the painful joints, and when it is particularly bad I take Syndol which is an over the counter pain killer with a muscle relaxant (can't take too many of these as they are addictive if used a lot apparently) which usually helps a lot but can make you a bit drowsy, so good at night if I am struggling to sleep with the pain. Also, a few years ago I bought a sonic massage machine from Boots when I had a bit of cash, and I do believe that helps too. It never goes away and I think I have got used to it, but when it is bad these things do help a bit. Finally, I do find that a pint of lager does the trick now and again when I am really struggling but I wouldn't recommend it on a regular basis! Hope this helps a bit. I will be interested in other people's experiences. Love Judith x

brave profile image

I get an awfull lot of discomfort in my upper back shoulder blades and shoulder joints ,i get severe stiffness and sorenes in these areas with very loud cracking popping sensations in my shoulders ,it hurts !sometimes worst than others,i swim but not as much as i used to;(( if i do exercise it doesnt help it really but it doesent make it worse unless i do to much ,so i try as much as i can ,i never know if this is ,lupus or fibromyalgia!i just know it hurts ;(its been persistant since febuary this year ,before that it came and went for many years ,its worse than ever now but i figured i cant afford trial and error in terms of massage or accupuncture etc so ,i just put up with it :(i think we need a softer mattress ???take care ,keep well ,brave;)

barkleysgirl profile image

This is also my most consistent ailment. Even when otherwise

Feeling ok, I still have sore/stiff neck and shoulders with horrible popping!

Just out of interest do any of you guys smoke?

JudeeB profile image
JudeeB in reply to barkleysgirl

Nope. I don't smoke, never have.

Axxa profile image
Axxa in reply to barkleysgirl

I wish it was legalized in my state. I have read research.

Any personal experience?

SoldierOn profile image
SoldierOn in reply to Axxa

I have had chronic pain in my entire back ,shoulders ,hips mainly and many other joints -an undiagnosed issue ..I have found that for the entire 8years of having this issue smoking can help when your bad ,mostly for sleep and to help cope physically but most stuff nowadays is hydroplonic and messes more with your head then helps ..but you will have the same issue with most things e.g pharmaceutical drugs as once you get rid of one issue(if you can) you replace it with several others..worth a shot but try getting hold of naturally grown without the fertiliser to get a better pain relief not just intencely stoned ,good luck!😊

Alli427 profile image
Alli427 in reply to barkleysgirl

Born n raised in Colorado springs. Smoked since i was young. I've experienced these same exact issues but they started recently and have gotten so bad over a period of 4 years that i can't keep a job. Smoking only ever helped me sleep you ignore the pain, or give me an appetite, which was lost almost completely due to the severe depression this pain has also been causing me.

Thaddeus profile image


I have suffered with this for many years and have found a solution.

Firstly sit flat on a chair with your hands flat under you bottom - This will limit the travel of you neck and prevent any damage.

Lift shoulders push back and let them fall, -this is the position for them for all exercises.

Turn you head to face right and then left, how far can you move? If all is well you should be able to look straight across you shoulder.

Next; Roll your neck to one side as far as it will go, but dont force it, then up and to the other side.

Do this a few times let if fall, dont push but dont hold it either.

Now the fun bit;

Lay on the floor with your back flat, and knees raised, Arms out with palms flat. shoulders not to be up around ears!

With face upward, roll the kness to one side as far as is comfortable, and then back.

Your spine might pop -which is good.

Do this both sides a few times and allow the knees to touch the floor as you loosen.

Next we add the neck into the mix, face across one shoulder and lower the knees the OTHER way, repeat both sides a couple of times.

With time you can easily get a full twist along you spine and this will ease a lot of you daily activities.

Let me know how you get on , I have a few more to add, which have kept me moving for years.

sledgehammer63 profile image
sledgehammer63 in reply to Thaddeus

this is a nice exercise...

thank you,

take care,too.


tazeeyore profile image
tazeeyore in reply to Thaddeus

Does this help the neck cracking or just the pain? I'm not in any pain, but looking for a way to stop my neck from cracking every time I turn my head.

SoldierOn profile image
SoldierOn in reply to tazeeyore

Try shiatsu that can help get rid of that issue ..if your limited to funds'll need someone taller than you to stand behind you and you stand still ,the person will then need to lift your head from your body releasing any tension and you will have to turn to as far as you can comfortably go (right and left) and back to centre then the person with have to slowly place your head back down in line with your spine..better to find someone qualified though if you are anxious to try

JudeeB profile image

Also, forgot, I have got a shaped pillow which I take with me whenever I go away because it certainly helps

Adamine profile image

This is really odd... I have seen the Doctor many times because of my should/mostly neck pain and have been repeatedly brushed off. They firmly said there was no connection at all with my MCTD... Yet again this site has made me realise that I have not lost the plot completely - YET!!!

Wish you all well.


Tpscully profile image

I had intense neck to shoulder pain for one solid week. Nothing worked to lessen the over the top pain. I went to sleep one night despite the pain. The next morning I woke up pain free but with near zero use of my left hand and wrist and severly reduced strength in my left forearm and upper arm. This was three years ago. I got two aterms for the condition - Parsons-

Turnnage Syndrome or a Brachial Plexus event. The neurologists indicated that I may regain partial use of the damaged nerves over a five year period. So far with PT I can touch three finger tips to my thumb. I can sometimes move my left arm purposefully. I can grip a soda bottle, but I cannot put it down.

I had C4 through C7 fused unrelated to the above.


i recently started having the same type of neck spasms as before. Muscle relaxing injecttions reduce the pain, but I am fearful of a more devastating repeat. This is not goood.

Lcarranza1 profile image

I was diagnosed with Lupus 20 years ago. I am 44 and have stiff upper back and neck pains. The doctor says it is not affiliated with Lupus, but what do they know. They don't know how to cure Lupus because they don't understand it. You know your body. Document when you receive the back pains. My back pains give me severe pain in chest and lungs. I can feel inflammation in my upper chest. I take my medication described for pericarditis and the back pain and inflammation disappear after 1 wk.  The shoulder pains are affiliated with Lupus, so it could start there and the pain travels to neck and back. Good luck on finding what works for you. 

Lramjim profile image

I've been going through the same thing since December. I saw almost every specialists that exists. They tried to say I was having severe migraines and gave me medication on top of every other medication other doctors tried prescribing me. I was having headaches, ear aches, shoulder pain with numbness and tingling feeling down my arms, neck pain, bones popping around neck and shoulders and sometimes feeling tightness around chest. It's been a crazy ride. Well come to find out I have TMJ. This causes all these symtoms. I recommend you see your dentist and check into it. Read somewhere that 75% of Americans have TMJ. I hope this helps and one thing I've learned, there's Hope so stay strong.

Dman1990 profile image
Dman1990 in reply to Lramjim

Lramjim Did you figure out anything to help with the tmj. I have the exact same symptoms and oddly enough mine started in December of last year as well. I saw a dentist and he said TMJ but don't exactly know how to relieve the headaches.

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