I have a terrible shoulders and neck pain. Plus my stomach does not feel great. Pain around kidney area and my chest feels tight too. I could sleep all day. Sorry for moaning but I hate feeling like this.
Shoulders and neck pain : I have a terrible... - LUPUS UK
Shoulders and neck pain

I’m so sorry that you are having such a bad time. I think the relentless pain makes us feel extremely tired. You are not moaning - you’re just saying how things are and we can all relate to this. Try to rest and when you feel a bit better maybe a few gentle stretches. It’s grim but it will get a bit better. Xx
feeling really jelly like all over today. been off hydroxy for almost 2 weeks as making me worse. waiting for rheumy appointment phone call tomorrow. neck, back, shoulders always uncomfortable.
thankyou. I am wondering if I have fibromyalgia as hydroxy did nothing at all but make me worse. I have been feeling really jelly like and light headed today. I am driving myself mad as not been in any medication for 2 weeks.
It’s so hard knowing what to do/ take or not do/take. I find pregabalin helps me sleep 💤 and keeps me a bit calmer. Tramacet helps with the Odin but I only take a small dose late morning and evening. All other meds that I’ve tried have had horrible side effects. It’s my buttocks and legs now! When I had really bad shoulder and neck pain I really worked on my posture. I hadn’t realised that my shoulders went up to my ears! I also did stretches every day and I think this did eventually help. Everyone is different but I do hope that you find something to ease the relentless pain. Take care. Xx
You could be my twin, I feel exactly the same. Seem to live in bed these days, then I get down because I just feel Life is passing by and there is nothing I can do about it. Perhaps we should ask for a day of normality for Christmas, now that would be a present worth having x
I suffered the same and found that Qi Gong exercises that you can find on you tube are really helpful. Just google Qi Gong 7 minutes of magic - follow the routine and hope it helps you too.