I am still awaiting an appointment for the co vivid jab. I am in the 55 years age bracket and have had lupus for over16 years. On the fence 50/50 actually having the jab as my rhumy, and gp have not actively recommended it. What do people think? Yes or no
Covid jab yes or no?: I am still awaiting an... - LUPUS UK
Covid jab yes or no?

No-one can make up your mind for you, but there are many threads here that talk about people's experience of having the jab and their reasons. I had the AZ and have been fine.
The general opinion expressed by every expert I have heard is "yes, yes, yes - and the right vaccine for you is the one that you are offered and gets into your arm ..." That includes hearing rheumies say it. I don't think any doctor has time to make personal recommendations to each of their patients.
Most of us are eagerly waiting for our second dose.....mine is in late april after I had the oxford vaccine in early feb.which would have the better outcome....catching covid or having a vaccine? The advice to me was get vaccinated and I didnt hesitate.
Thank you for your kind reply. Just a bit anxious that I haven't been called for the jab yet. I think the consensus is to go ahead and have the jab so that is probably what I will do. Many thanks once again.
Lupus puts you in group 6 so you should be able to book . I had mine in feb as im cev due to immunosuppressants and steroids. for me covid would most probably be fatal so I couldn't get it quick enough in the hope of improving my chances .as prunes suggests try the booking service or I think the phone number is 119 but I'm not 100% sure so apologies if its incorrect xxx
Hi SabineHave you tried using the NHS online booking service? Not sure how soon you can book one as there's the reduction of first jabs through April.
I am in the states and have my second jab next week. We have not approved AstraZeneca yet so I had moderna. I am in the 45 and above group( we did it only by age not comorbidity). I felt nothing other than arm soreness after the first jab. My hematologist put it well, if the vaccine causes you issues than covid will likely cause issues tenfold.
The certainty is that having the vaccine is safer than risking catching Covid.
They are all considered equally safe - but they can't work any of this sort of thing out until enough people with lupus or any other particular a/i disorder have had the vaccine. Either you read the other threads on the forum where loads of people talk about having their shot and trust them or you don't.
Have the jab. Why wouldn't you?
Yes. Definitely have it- My rheumatologist advised. I’ve had AZ little feverish that night but fine a couple of days later. I was put in wrong group. By age or condition you will be able to book through 119 now. Good luck!
Well have received the jab today, all went well. So glad I made the decision to go ahead. Thanks for all replies, really helpful!!