Hi everyone. About 18 months ago I had failed rotator cuff surgery. It failed so had reverse shoulder surgery. 6 months out from it and not sure this will heal. Will have MRI within the month. Without much explanation because I have none, I’ve had my pelvis, lower spine hips and other shoulder MRI’ed. DX: each area has tendonitis. Hamstring damage in right leg.
The pain to walk is frightening. I’ve had no huge trauma. My rheumatologist does not have this information yet but last appointment 6 weeks ago advised me to begin benlysta. Currently I take hydroxy and slowly phasing out my low dose prednisone. Never went above 5 mg and last 8 years it’s either 3.5 or 4 mg. Been on 3 mg for about 8 weeks. My doctors have told me my prednisone dose has nothing to do with these inflamed muscles and tissues. I know physical therapy helps. Until it became too cold to heat my pool, I did gentle moves in the pool. I really don’t know what to do. How to find a good physical therapist. I’ve been hurt before by athletic types that have a pace and structure but it’s not for me. What is wrong with me? I’m falling apart limb by limb. Is there any way to defer this? Is Benlysta the answer? Thx for any answers