I am just wondering if there are flares with Lupus? I have had RA since I was 13, but lupus was just discovered recently in 2020. I had this strange experience Saturday (yesterday). I was hot and then freezing cold. The chills hurt so bad. My joints felt like they were on fire, no swelling like I get with RA though. I felt feverish and the pain made me so nauseous. I never get headaches, but this one was bad. I did something I never do - I slept all day. I couldn't eat anything, but drank Gatorade to keep hydrated. Today, the next day, I am ok. Just like that! I was down for about 24-30 hours and then no more headache, nausea, pain, or intense fatigue. What was that?? With my rheumatoid arthritis, I can tell a day or two before when a flare is coming. This hit me out of nowhere.
Question about flares...: I am just wondering if... - LUPUS UK
Question about flares...

Hello Willow
I am not any sort of medic but my wife has had RA for well over 20 years (was on methotrexate for all that time) but in 2019-2020 she gradually began to eat less and less. She has always cut the crusts off her morning toast but I noticed that the bit she was discarding was getting bigger and bigger. She got very annoyed when I questioned what was going on and suggesting she should go to the doctors. It is a long story but she was eventually diagnosed with SLE (her dsDNA was over 1000). She had 3 infections one in oesophagus (which was preventing her swallowing) she also had pleurisy and also an infection of the stomach. Now 5 years later she is still battling on we don't really think she will get any better but just being alive is a bonus.
Regarding your problem I would think that you have had some sort of viral infection that knocked you for six for 24 hours, they do exist. So glad to hear that you are now OK. It may be worth asking your GP for a blood test. Your ESR and CPR would indicate whether there is any infection still there.
Hoping this helps just a little. Good luck to you.
Thank you for your reply. I just had a CRP test the day before and it was 100. Which was high. Also, which is weird, my white blood cells were very low , but red blood cells high. I haven't gotten a call back from my doctor, so that usually means they are not worried about it. I don't know. I am back to work today and already want to go home. It will be a long 12 hour shift.
Your CRP at 100 is an emergency. Did you have treatment, antibiotics? It could be that you have an infection and still have it. I was admitted to the hospital day unit recently with CRP of 86 and saw the emergency consultant, lots of tests, x Ray, etc. I did have an infection and was sent home eventually with antibiotics.
Having lupus and co morbities with much medication had hidden symptoms (not for the first time) so that I felt off but not too unwell. But the CRP told the truth. If you're worried then follow up with your doctor. Look after yourself 😊
I did get a call from my doctor and went in for extra tests last week. Was admitted to the hospital for them. Low white blood cells and high hemoglobin. So no infection. I am doing better and am home now. I am going for more tests this week. My CRP has gone down to 40. They are also testing me for certain cancers. Hope it turns out well.
I would agree with FandN -- CRP is usually/normally in a range from 0 to 5. It is not surprising that you still feel unwell with CRP at 100. If my wife had a CRP of 100 I would be in panic mode. Please chase up your GP urgently there still seems to be something very wrong,