Hi all, so I have lupus on methotrexate and hydroxychloroquine, I am had very stiff sore feet in the morning for ages but its ok after about 10 minutes or so, for a few months now I have constant pain and swelling in the bone just below my big toe to the point where it is getting really painful and not easing, I want to know is this a common lupus complaint or would it be the start of a "bunion" ?
Sore foot : Hi all, so I have lupus on methotrexate... - LUPUS UK
Sore foot
HiThis is a common complaint with lupus, each morning I get up it initially feels like I'm walking on pebbles. With time, this has gotten worse with pains in my toes, for me it feels like they're being pulled and twisted at the same time. I've spoken to my rheumatologist and he stated that it wasn't unusual, a lot of his patients complain about the same. Like you I take methotrexate and hydroxy and was advised to take painkillers 🌹
Bit like wearing shoes for hours that had been too tight across the toes ? xxx
Yes, like that too. Just a horrible painful feeling 🌹
Thank you Carol 😘. So sorry you get this too but helps to know not only one xxx
I'm glad to have the input. When I've described it to others I get the vague look 😅🌹
Same issue I have bunion but also my toes are suffering degenerative arthritis
Soaking water helps very tender