Has anyone got any particular food allergies. I've been diagnosed with lupus for over 20 years. I've always gone pink after a glass of wine but recently 1 sip of alcohol and I am blotchy and swollen on my face and neck and it's started happening when I am eating too but I'm yet to identify what is causing it. Wondering if it's lupus related and whether I should have some food allergy tests done. Anyone else experienced this?
Food allergies: Has anyone got any particular food... - LUPUS UK
Food allergies

Try keeping a diary of what you have eaten and the symptoms appearing. What wine? All or mainly red? It could be a general histamine problem - have you tried a simple antihistamine to see if it helps?
It's after any alcohol, soy sauce and other things which I've yet to identify. Antihistamine doesn't week to help unfortunately and it's just getting worse. Thanks for the reply.
Oh dear - have you been referred to an allergy specialist?
No, but I'm going to suggest it.
Not that there is an awful lot they can do unless you can narrow it right down - mine said the rather dramatic response I had to SOMETHING had all the hallmarks of a food allergy, probably histamine, but to identify exactly what could take forever, maybe never be found as there were so many possibilities. and suggested taking an antihistamine if I wanted to drink red wine! Sounds strange but it worked. Then I discovered that if I took an antihistamine as soon as I woke with the signs, it would abort the attack so I switched to that.
I have that, and it came on after getting Covid rather than it being a lupus thing. I take antihistamines.
Strangely enough, I have developed a reaction to something and like Treetop33 it seems to have appeared after a bout of Covid. My face and cheeks flare up, become puffy and burning red and I get intermittent itchy patches on arms and legs . No particular foodstuff I can identify as it doesn't seem to follow a pattern. I take Fexofenadine 120 mg and for the most seem to help and other occasions not so. Have you tried a different antihistamine ? I also take hydrocortisone tablets for adrenal insufficiency and I increase when this happens too and they do seem to help reduce the inflammation. I am back to see the rheumatologist at some point .
Allergy testing seems like a good idea👍🏻 Hoping you get sorted very soon. 🤞🏼
When all my weird symptoms started over 10 years ago I’m now 70, I started having reactions to food, started with prawns, then all fish, all poultry, all legumes, soya, melon is my newest. My doctor did some blood allergy testing and said I don’t have an allergy, I’m violently sick a few hours after eating these foods, it’s life changing and she won’t refer me to an allergist as it’s not a life threatening IGE Allergy. I looked it up myself and think it’s a gut allergy called FPIES, quite rare in adults or it could be MCAS which I would need to take two anti histamines every day as inhibitors, one is very expensive but my doctors won’t help me. I saw a gastro doctor and all he said was don’t eat the food. My diet is very limited, they don’t have a clue what it’s like. My immune system just refuses to behave and thinks these foods are bad. I have to read every label on food, there are more and more food with chick peas in it as they thinks it a healthy protein to eat especially as plant food seems to be the in thing. I had crisps at someone’s house and I was so ill, I had to go home once my stomach completely emptied. I found out the crisps had chickpeas in them, it’s one of the worst foods I can eat. No more lentil soup either. And they say it’s NOT an allergy.
Gosh, this sounds awful. I'm not sick with it just very red and blotchy.
Hi Minnie. I've had Lupus for 35 years, at the same time I developed hay fever and a weird allergy to raw apple . Cooked apple is fine but when it's raw I get itching in my lips and throat and an upset tum a few hours later. Apparently it's quite common , who knew? Called oral allergy syndrome . I dont feel too good after strawberries either , and get stomach upsets where i cant work out the cause. I take antihistamine for the hay fever when it's bad , but these days it's not just " hay" but any strong allergen , xmas trees, smoke, aftershave , newspaper print.
I'm thankful that so far it's not a bad allergy. I hope you manage to work out what you can and can't tolerate and find a good solution. It's very frustrating. Down to us having dodgy immune systems I guess plus some pretty toxic meds ! ❤️
Someone else who is allergic to Christmas trees! You are then only other person alongside me who I have found. Thanks for the message.
Sorry , same here . Had to stop buying real Christmas trees a few years ago . Caused my asthma to flare. Also, can no longer tolerate raw fruit. Only able to eat stewed pears . Allergist suggested oral allergy syndrome related to tree pollens and to avoid raw fruits . My diet has become limited over last few years . It's misreable for the most . Make all food from scratch but still don't feel full of vim and vigour or very healthy. It's a job that's for sure .
I developed a severe distaste for alcohol after several weeks in ICU on very strong antibiotics - for some reason, any alcohol at all taste like rot in my mouth now , and all the medics say is, "well, you shouldn't be drinking anyway!" Jolly unhelpful, frankly! However, the fact that it's spreading is more worrying, and you should definitely get it checked out. Keeping a food diary is an excellent suggestion, and trialling Fexofenadine is also a good idea – it's the best antihistamine I have ever come across. I think getting tested for allergies a very good idea. Good luck – let us know how you get on.
I am allergic to sulfites which are found in wine (naturally) and dried fruits (added), as well as many other things. Being allergic to sulfa drugs is quite common with Lupies. A sulfite allergy takes it to the next level