Hello everyone, I recently started having burning sensations, tingling and pain in my head, leg, feet and arms, also brain fog, dry mouth, and muscle pain in chest with extreme fatigue. Also had a red rash under both of my eyes.My GP ordered blood work and my platelets were high, iron low, protein and blood in urine, crp severely high, esr high, Ana positive nucleoar pattern, negative ena, negative rh factor and awaiting Ds-dna test. Could this possibly be lupus even though ena was negative? I see the rheumatologist in 3weeks
Need Help With Results From Blood Test - LUPUS UK
Need Help With Results From Blood Test

Are you sure your platelets were high, not low?
Yes platelets have been consistently high for months so they first tested me for bone marrow cancer but it was negative. Iron and iron saturation low, much, mch/mcv low, rbc high, protein in blood and urine high, Ana is 1:640 nucleoar
SC -
I have to disagree with you about how lupus is diagnosed and the significance of the classifications. All of the lupus classification revisions are for research purposes. They were informed by experts in relevant fields.
Rheumatologists do not do a simple check list to diagnose any autoimmune disease. Their knowledge after three years of additional training is deep and extensive.
In Jacksboo’s case they would be looking at many things - most that I know nothing about or understand. As an example, if her platelets are low, was this autoimmune thrombocytopenia? How often is that the first and some symptom of lupus?
The list is endless. The diagnosis can become less important than the separate medical conditions. They have to be treated too.
One way to see this is that the classification insures that patients in a study all definitely have what the medical experts decide is lupus. Any given patient can have lupus with a variety of other symptoms if a doctor diagnoses them with that. As you well know, there people who fit into related categories.
I encourage you not to try to diagnose people based on the few blood tests and symptoms. And the past lupus classifications make no difference at all.
Thank you for you response I appreciate it
Jadaboo4 -
Thank you for that. I was asking because low platelets can also be part of the picture. I can hear you have been through a very rough time if they were testing for such serious illnesses.
The one thing I know for sure is that you will keep getting tests and observation until they figure this out. You might want to ask what they are thinking the cause of protein and blood in the urine is. Your GP ran the ANA when he saw your rash and other symptoms so they are on top of this.
Everything is put in context. Someone with a high ANA and certain symptoms may not have anti dna or anti sm but still be diagnosed with lupus while someone with anti dna is not. Certain rashes, particularly when a person is having symptoms, may be more significant than any blood test.
You are in good hands. I feel confident they will get to the bottom of this.
Best of luck
I can see you are in the US. Hope all goes well and you quickly get the help and treatment needed🙂
Morning, I had similar symptoms for years. I was first diagnosed with UCTD, and secondary Fybromyalgia and Raynaurds. As time went on and other symptoms were identified, dry mouth, nose, isdues with my sinus and Sjogrens was diagnosed. It is a minefield. In all honesty am not as clued up with blood tests and couldn't tell you what my ANA etc was. However, my rheumatologist was amazing, didn't really discuss them in depth (or I don't think he did at the time, brain fog is a nightmare). What he did do was listen, check and most of all, assured me I wasn't losing my mind. Go see your rheumatologist with a list of all your symptoms, as many AI symptoms do over-lap, though I'm sure you may know that. Good luck. J
Thank you for sharing! Yes I wrote all my symptoms down because I do have brain fog and I can’t remember anything at all. I am curious to know why I get chest pain at night only . I will also start writing down questions I have to ask the rheumatologist. I have to admit this very overwhelming but I’m trying to be positive.
it is very likely to be lupus, I have the iron deficiency sometimes, but my platelets drop and I have immune thrombocytopenia too. My Rheumy is working with my haematologist , treating and monitoring me. As for ana test I have positive sometimes and negative others. Hope you get sorted soon, x
thank very much! Yes me too
Update on diagnosis since my last post. Im currently in the hospital because Im not swallowing good nothing but water and soft food and my kidney levels and liver was elevated so i was admitted. I did find out that I do not have Lupus but systemic scleroderma. So they are checking everything to make sure nothing else was affected. What stage and what medicine. Thank you all for your help