Hi, newbie here, age 48 post-menopausal female. I’ve got severe chilblains on my toes at the moment, very swollen and brown discolouration, had Raynauds for last 10+ years but this is the worst it’s been yet. Saw GP and they’ve requested referral to Rheumatology for possible Connective tissue disease, specifically Lupus and they’ve requested blood tests to do before appointment.
In past 8 years I’ve seen Rheumatology twice with bad chilblains on hands/toes, potential malar rash, livedo reticulus, poor circulation with purple feet, migraines and more recently bad joint pain with knee osteoarthritis. Diagnosed with POTS but no major symptoms.
Previous ANAs have been 1:160 and 1:320 with ENA and other tests being negative so discharged from Rheumatology.
Recent ANA is 1:160 with homogenous pattern, also mentions cytoplasmic pattern but lab notes say that they haven’t gone on to do ENA test due to having cytoplasmic pattern. I’ve tried to find out why this would be the case but can’t find much info about this. I have a GP appointment to get the other blood tests and wondering if I should ask for ENA too?
Any thoughts on the cytoplasmic pattern and whether this has any relevance would be much appreciated, as wondering if this means I won’t be seen by Rheumatology now? Thanks for your help!