Doctors are so annoying and not helpful. I have taken 2 weeks off work now. I had burning red spots on my hand then started getting patchy rashes on hands then spots over my body and face -, chciken pox. Docs said hands are different to face ( my renal consultant). Done lots of blood tests and all they said is that I'm immune to chciken pox , gave me a viral drug, upped my steroid cos they don't know about my hand rashes. They couldn't even ask a determatologist u know?? It could be reaction to pencillin, lupus, chicken pox, tonsilitis.... they told me to go to my normal gp. I did that. Again they have no idea. Now referring me to deterministic but that's going to take months and hopefully skin will be all cleared but like they not telling me what it is. Chciken pox r clearing now. Hand and feet rashes turning to blisters.
Hand rash/chicken pox: Doctors are so annoying and... - LUPUS UK
Hand rash/chicken pox

Hi Shine, it sounds absolutely horrible. Sorry you’re not getting anywhere. I’ve had rashes on hands and feet successfully treated with hydroxy, but first I got diagnosed by a dermatologist. So that’s definitely worth pursuing. Mine took a biopsy of a fresh rash so your might do the same. It’s worth getting clarity on what the heck it is—and then getting the right treatment!
Yeah they are not helping at all docs. I have my follow up appointment and there's no point they just want to see how I'm doing and not tell me what it actually is. My feet are blistering now so I'm guessing it's getting better. Hands are taking forever to heal/blister. Do you know how to get blisters quickly so I can start going back to work....
I was very lucky, Rheumy doc referred me urgently to see a dermatologist and I was seen within a few weeks. I had a biopsy done quickly. I’m not a doc but could it be hand foot and mouth, I had that once, it was a burning rash on my hand and feet, it was awful and it lasted a few weeks.
Sorry, I wish I knew how to make these blessed rashes progress and heal faster! I use a topical cream on mine but that is for severe itching…not sure if it would help in your situation or not. Anyway it’s called Anusol (here in Australia) and it’s technically for haemorrhoids. If you’re having no luck with the docs, can you get a second opinion or word-of-mouth recommendation maybe? I’m not in your area but surely there will be people on this forum who can recommend some good GPs and/or rheumys?
I have had something similar for years on my feet. It starts off with with little red spots that itch like mad, then start to fill with puss and blister, eventually drying up and thecskin peels off. Sometimes it stops me from walking as it come under the arch of my foot, down the sides and around my toes. I showed my rheumatologist pictures of it (I never seem to have it when I see him). He looked a bit puzzled, but always asks about it. Since I've been non Hydroxychloroquine it isn't as bad, so I'm sure it's there's a link with our conditions but what it actually is I don't know.
That sounds like palmar plantar fasciitis if its on your feet too. My hands were the same as yours for 3 months. But not on my feet. GP took one look and said scleroderma (yes I have SLE) which freaked me out but my rheum said no. Could also be PPS, if you a smoker. My skin was so tight my hands turned into crab claws. Good luck.
Hiya, when I was given penicillin, I developed a measles like rash all over my body and was told that it was an allergic reaction. I hope you found out why you got it? And that you don't get it again.🙏💜Cx