Hello everyone
How are you all?
I just wanted to update you all quickly.
As you know I had experiencing symptoms like a racing heart beat, chest pain, palpitations, periods of feeling extremely dizzy and/or nauseous, persistent dry cough etc.
The most important points are:
*Baseline echocardiogram in 2014 – 3 trace leaky valves and 1 trace to mild leaky valve.
(Trace to mild AR & Trace MR, TR, and PR – 2014) – These results were not reviewed by a cardiologist or reported on properly
* Echo repeated on 23rd January 2023 – Letter from cardiologist I will be recalled for a further echo in 12 months’ time, (I could see lots of red on the screen during this echo procedure) echo showed:
* Intra ventricular septum is somewhat hypokinetic
* Bundle branch block?
* Left ventricular systolic function is perhaps at the lower limits of normal with an injection fraction of around 50%
* ECG at Doctors Surgery on 15th May 2023 - Borderline ECG - Non specific T abnormality - the Nurse actually told me as she quickly folded up the result so that I couldn't see it, that it was routine to get the GP's permission for me to leave and she would come back ASAP. She went to speak to a GP and I was told that it was safe for me to leave and that what the ECG showed wouldn't be dealt with by a GP anyway, I'd need to see a Consultant.
My health board were not investigating any further. A cardiologist who reviewed my above results said that although I had lupus, he didn't think it was linked/relevant and I could just have a repeat echo in 12 months, especially as I was symptoms free......
I wasn't symptom free and that was the point. And as far as I know we are at a higher risk of heart disease etc.
So I pursued it with my health insurance.
I had a normal ECG at my first private appointment (in sinus rhythm throughout) and that was told I needed a Coronary CT Angiogram with contrast dye.
I have just got the results and covering letter. I am seeing this Cardiologist at the start of October to discuss this in more detail, however the upshot is
Left Main:
Left Anterior Descending
Small mixed plaque at ostium causing minimal (1-24%) stenosis
Left Circumflex
Right Coronary Artery
Other Cardiac findings
LV appears border line enlarged (LVIDd 55.7mm) on this single diastolic reconstruction. Suggest echo correlation.
Mild coronary plaque but no evidence of obstructed Coronary disease
The covering letter says this is all reassuring, although it'll be discussed further ay my appointment in October.
Whilst I am very, very pleased that only one small area of plaques has been found on the CT, and no obstructed coronary disease, I am once again totally confused!!!!
My investigations before this private coronary CT angiogram tell a very different picture to what I am now being told. It is almost like it is two different people???
Leaky valves. Possible left bundle branch block, which does then produce an irregular T wave (which backs up the left bundle branch block theory). Etc etc. Then now being told that everything is normal and nothing else detected.
I was expecting the coronary CT to look at the valves too - i.e. confirm exactly how leaky they are?? Or do these CT scans not cover that aspect?
Has anyone has this experience? Had symptoms of heart issues but told everything is normal?
I think I am so fed up with being gaslit and having a difficult diagnosis journey and also having investigations being done and told it's all fine, when it obviously isn't, that I am fed up and confused at feeling that I have to justify myself and prove my symptoms yet again....Does that make sense?
Plus I am still getting all of the symptoms!
(By the way, my sister had AVNRT (Atrio ventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia) years ago and it took 5 years to pick it up on a heart monitor and prove she was right. She had to have surgery to stop it. )
Thanks for listening - as always.
Best wishes
Wendy xx
*My daughter tells me I am heavy breathing when I’ve done very little – lacing up my shoes etc
*24 hour heart monitor – September 2021 - Dr Kaul reviewed and saw periods of tachycardia on it – no action by hospital - She had a 24-hour tape previously which showed some ventricular ectopics and palpitations. Dr Kaul’s letter dated 7th July 2022
* Heart sounds exhibited a soft systolic murmur, my private Rhumatologist's letter 1st July 2022
* Previous incident of very extreme chest pain 11th July 2018 – nearly called for an ambulance I had very sudden and very severe pain. In the centre of my chest, right at the top of my stomach, directly under the rib cage. It was very scary and intense. I felt like I could not talk to my daughter and that I wanted to just drop to the floor and curl up. I told her I couldn’t speak to her and I could not concentrate on what she was talking to me about. She was scared too. I was walking bent over, clutching my chest and wincing in pain. I just about made it home, but driving was very difficult and I was glad it wasn’t far. It lasted two and a half hours. I have not experienced anything like this before. My initial thoughts were “I am having a heart attack” but that scared me and I convinced myself it was indigestion. I went home and went to bed until it eased. Could this have been a “silent” heart attack? I didn’t have pain in my arm or my jaw or neck. So was unsure – women’s symptoms not easy to define etc.
* Baseline echocardiogram in 2014 – 3 trace leaky valves and 1 trace to mild leaky valve.
(Trace to mild AR & Trace MR, TR, and PR – 2014) – These results were not reviewed by a cardiologist or reported on properly
* Echo repeated on 23rd January 2023 – Letter from cardiologist I will be recalled for a further echo in 12 months’ time – what do these results mean? Never even met the cardiologist to discuss my symptoms or anything, he wrongly thinks I have no symptoms and it’s all about the jet regurgitation
* Intra ventricular septum is somewhat hypokinetic
* Bundle branch block?
* Left ventricular systolic function is perhaps at the lower limits of normal with an injection fraction of around 50%
• Methotrexate – 20mg a week – increased from 15mg per week from September 2022 (started on Monday 22nd March 2021 – 15mg a week)
• Folic Acid 5mg, every day except day when I take methotrexate
• 400mg Hydroxychloroquine daily
• 2g Mycophenolate Mofetil daily
• 30mg Amitriptyline daily
• Vitamin D3 daily Supplement currently 2200 IU units a day / 55ug cholecalciferol - Solgar
• Vitamin B Complex 50 High Potency Supplement daily - Solgar
• Omeprazole 20mg capsules daily