A Pair of Cuties: Hello everyone Just wanted to... - LUPUS UK


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A Pair of Cuties

misty14 profile image
18 Replies

Hello everyone

Just wanted to tell you all this love story between two otters. After being alone for a decade, Badger the otter fell in love with this one called Isa. They are inseparable and staff at Weymouth Sea life Adventure Park are hoping for the pitter patter of tiny otter offspring soon!.

Its a lovely story that i'm sure you all will like. Hope your all keeping as well as possible, navigating jabs and the darker nights. Ugh!.

love MistyX

P.s, i had my long awaited appt with gastro consultant who isnt sure whats going on with me but is very sorry at my suffering!. He wants a ct scan of my pancreas as its only organ not looked at and can cause same gallstone like symptoms!!. Ive got awful pain so hope to have date soon. Will keep you posted and thanx so much for all your support. X

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misty14 profile image
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18 Replies

sending strength

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to

Thank you stills. Hope your coping. Xx

Spotty-ewe profile image

What a lovely romantic story about the otters. A friend of mine founded an otter sanctuary on the Isle of Skye so I’ll be sure to send this to her. I’m so sorry to hear you are still suffering that unbearable gall stone type of pain. Sending you love and strength and praying for a quick scan appt for your pancreas. Thinking of you while relaxing here recovering from our long trip south to the land of my forefathers in Wisbech area. Love and hugs. 💕🤗xxx🦦🦦

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to Spotty-ewe

Thank you Spotty for your lovely mesdage. Thats great about your friend's otter sanctuary, can't be easy to keep it going these days. I hope they like the story.

Thank you so much for your good wishes for my scan. Ive emailed the gastro secretary giving go ahead for private and so hopefully it won't be too long. I'll keep you posted. I don't know how you kept going with these symptoms for 10-15 years. I just couldnt cope that length of time. I did look up Solpadene and im already taking it but so appreciate your kind thoughts of help.

I hope you enjoy your time away and get to see who you want to. Hope the weather is kind, its getting more autumnal now. Take Care. Xx🦡💕🍁💕

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply to misty14

Yes, Grace and Paul’s otter sanctuary is a registered charity and they have become such experts about otters that they do courses abroad to raise awareness of otters and the reasons for conserving them and other wildlife. Fabulous work, but being the same age as me they are finding it very tiring these days. One of their sons works with them so hopefully in time he’ll take it over.🙏🏻

I hope it isn’t long until your private appt comes up Misty.🤞 It was about 10/12 years I suffered with my mal-functioning gall bladder, only intermittently at the beginning but it increased in frequency as I got older until it was finally removed when I was almost 25 by which time I was really at the end of my tether. The worst thing was being fobbed off with it being due to nerves/anxiety when I was a young teenager.😫

Thanks for your kind wishes for our break away from home. It is cold but we are busy revisiting old haunts and our old friends. I hope it isn’t long until I hear your appt has come through. Take care dear Misty. Xxxx

GloomyEeyore profile image

What a lovely story. Hopefully their romance will blossom and little baby otters, or whelps, will come along in the spring.

I am pleased to hear you had a good appointment with the gastro consultant. Hopefully won’t have to wait too long for your scan appointment.

I have an appointment at orthotics next month. Having real problems with my knee giving way. At times it is like it gives way at the hip. My GP thinks I may need to get a stick to give me support 😞

Take care and have a good week. Xx 🦦 🦦 🦵🏻 🦯

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to GloomyEeyore

Thanx ge for your lovely mesdage. I'm so glad you enjoyed the otter story.

I hope your feeling better from covid now. Sorry you've got knee problems. There's always something for us to cope with!. Ive had a lot of help from orthotics so i hope it will help you. Good luck for the appt. A stick does sound a good idea to take presdure off that knee. It will take getting used to at ffirst. I use one permanently now. Best to get a folding one , then you can put it in a bag when not using it!.

Hopefully, i will hear soon about the scsn as my consultant has requested it today as ive had worsening symptoms over the werkend. Would so like to get this sorted.

Have a good week, Xx💕🤞🦡🙂🍁💕🦡

svfarmer profile image

hi Misty I so love otters , they have such little cute faces,let’s hope the love blossoms for them - reminds of 1 of my sons as when he was little we would visit Bristol Zoo and we would watch the otters for ages as he loves them so - he’s 26 now 😂😂 so sorry your still having gastro issues Misty, I really hope you don’t have to wait long for the scan - sending hugs 🤗🤗💕

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to svfarmer

Thanx svfarmer for your lovely message. Im glad the otter story brought back good memories. Im the same as your son as i love them too. Can watch them for hours. We had a holiday staying in our home county but were thrilled to be near an animal sanctuary that had otters. You could also help to feed them which was great.

Not long and it will be Mira Monday again. This year is flying by.

Hopefully it won't be long for the scsn as ive got worsened symptoms over the weekend. Im waiting on the phone now as gastro consultant has put the request in.

Hope your knee has improved. Have a good week. Xx🤞🍁💕🙂🙏💕

svfarmer profile image
svfarmer in reply to misty14


ExtremeDuvetDaze profile image

Aww what a lovely story🥰, aren’t they adorable, how wonderful to have baby otters, let’s hope that happens for them 🤞 🦭 🦭🦭🦭I wonder how many they have in a litter 🤔

I have everything crossed for your scan, hope it’s not too long to wait lovely 🤞🤞

Hope you were able to enjoy strictly, I think we’re in for a treat 💃 🕺🏻💃

Sending lots of gentle hugs 🥰❤️🦭🦭😘

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to ExtremeDuvetDaze

Thank you lovely dianne for your great mesdages. So pleased you've got your jabs done. We managed with a struggle to book our flu ones end Nov which is a long time really. At least it gives a lot of recovery time from the covid one on the 1st!. You did so well getting yours done and not suffering after.

Hope your gp call was helpful re your hip and bloods. ESR is important for inflammation so i hope you get it done. Sorry that its playing up already.

I thought we all needed a love story so i'm pleased you liked the otters. I love them.

Ive emailed my gastro consultant secretary and she's replied that the scan request has gone in and wait for the phone. 🤞not long now. If only he'd been around sooner id have done it ages ago and if only you'd heard from Mr Rheumy sooner you would have got to Mr Neuro quivker. Glad you've got your test dates now.

I so agree re Strictly dianne. Never had a year when the scores were so high first week. Lots of good potential and its just the escapism we all need. So enjoyed it.

I'll let you know when i hear anything. Hope you have a better week lovely. Big hugs. Xx🌺💕💐🍁💕🥰

ExtremeDuvetDaze profile image
ExtremeDuvetDaze in reply to misty14

Thanks Helen, that’s good you’ve spoken to his sec and scan is being organised 👍

Gosh that is a long wait for your flu jab, I had mine booked in with the surgery for the 1st October but while passing the surgery I went into the pharmacy that’s attached to it as that’s where I had it last year, I called them a few days before and asked if they were doing them and they said yes just come along whenever so I did and they did it straight away, I then popped into the surgery and cancelled my appointment for the flu jab with them, they said the reason they were late with doing the flu jabs is because they weren’t able to get them and they didn’t know how the pharmacy was getting hold of them!. So I was wondering if you’re able to pop into a local pharmacy that might already be doing them that would do yours rather than you waiting another two months when you need that cover with winter approaching, just a thought my lovely.

I hope you have a better week, we live in hope don’t we, big hugs 🙄🙏❤️🥰💖 🍂🍁xxx

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to ExtremeDuvetDaze

Thats a great thought dianne but the appt is with our local pharmacy and it could be our surgery that will come up with a sooner date. Complete opposite of your experience!. Haha!!. Anyway it gives me plenty of time to recover from covid jab. I do dread having these jabs as usually react!!. Its good you've been done.

Had a lovely surprise this aft, the hospital rang to book my foot appt with foot surgeon!!. 12/10!!. Its fitting it all in but great to have that as been waiting 8 months which is good i think really.

🤞for scan appt soon. Take Care. Xx💕🤞💐🍁🤗🤞🦋💕💐🌺🙏🤞🥰

ExtremeDuvetDaze profile image

Oh goodness fancy that 😂 different part of the country! But like you say it gives you time between the two especially with your reactions, I honestly was so surprised I didn’t get any reaction thank goodness. That’s great news you’ve got a date for your foot, hope you feel well enough to go after your jab, will have everything crossed for you lovely.

Chat soon, take care too xxx 😘 🍂💖🍁💃🕺🏻🥰xxx

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to ExtremeDuvetDaze

Thank you lovely, will be in touch soon. Big hugs. Xx🍁💕🤞🌺🍂💕

weathervane profile image

Adorable little creatures 💕they are so cute!!!

I hope you get an MRI appointment soon misty, you are doing the right thing as you could be waiting for months and months.

Take care , stay well xxx😘💕🥰🤗🤗🤗

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to weathervane

Thanx so much weathervane for your lovely messages. I'm willing the phone to ring with a date. It should be quick as i told the consultant i'd worsened over the weekend.

So glad you liked the otters. They are such characters. Have a good week yourself and i'll be in touch. Xx🍁💕🤞🍂🥰💕

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