Hi, since 2018, after taking a brief course of steroids, I have suffered with a facial rash. Initially I had it round my eyes (under brow, and under eye) down my cheeks, round my collarbone and on my nipple. I also had a small flare of it on my belly button. It was treated with hydrocortisone cream, which only kept it under control; it didn't cure it. It 'went away', and I put that in single commas because it never really did. The itching and rash persisted round my eyes and in 2019, in desperation, I asked for a rheumatologist's referral. I asked for a rheumy' because I also had tiredness, joint & muscle pain and what can only be described as 'general apathy'.
Due to Covid and NHS wait lists It took 11 months to finally see a rheumatologist, and when I did he was worse than useless. I had no autoimmune 'markers', i.e. I had a negative ANA test (I always do - I've had few over the years since about 2014) and he just threw me out, telling me it was Mast Cell Activation Disorder, maybe, but there were no tests for it so I could just buzz off. I sent letters of complaint and got some other testing done, but it showed nothing.
After all my fighting I was so fed up with docs I haven't gone near them in over a year. As the warmer weather started I noticed my eye rash was getting worse again and then, a couple of days ago, I developed severe red, burning skin on my cheeks. However, it does NOT resemble a classic butterfly rash, going up onto my eyes, as it does.
Because I have sore, itchy eyes all the time, as well as the rash, I suspect I might have Ocular Rosacea (Rosacea was dismissed back in 2018 - I'm not sure why, possibly because I had the rash elsewhere as well, and I have never had any spots or pustules). I think I might have had ocular rosacea all along, which is now turning into full-blown rosacea. I have been drinking (one small) alcoholic drink a night for the last 2 weeks and I don't normally drink. I always flush very badly with drink so I find this more than coincidental
However, as I say, I DON'T normally drink so that doesn't account for the constant eye rash I have most of the year. I am also concerned about ignoring the joint & muscle pain, which is quite debilitating but which no doctor has ever taken seriously.
My question is COULD this be Lupus, even although I don't have any positive ANA testing? Would I be showing some other definitive sign that would indicate Lupus? Or is it much more likely to be a slightly atypical Rosacea? Most Rosacea sufferers seem to have acne and so forth - me, I have sore itchy eyes and burning itchy skin - now all over my face.
Anyone who has either condition with facial rash, or who has negative ANA tests, I'd be grateful to hear from you. I need to go to a doctors because I am in so much pain, it would be really helpful if I had something definitive to offer them.