Hi I'm new can anyone help? My symptoms are:joint pain, feverish, night sweats, itchy sore scalp, flat purplish rash on legs, red rash across nose and cheeks, itchy neck around hairline, occasional swollen ankles, feet and hands hot then cold sometimes every bone in my feet feel as tho they are broken, red creased fingertips white fingers that are cold. I'm scared to find out I have other health problems asthma arthritis disbetes and heart disease already gone thru the menopause any help or comments would be appreciated Thanks
HAVE I GOT LUPUS?: Hi I'm new can anyone help? My... - LUPUS UK

Hello CATHYANN1965,
It's a worry when you have lots of symptoms but no clear idea about what is causing them or how you can make thing better. The home page for this group includes links to a whole range of information leaflets, including one on diagnosis. You can find it here lupusuk.org.uk/publications/
Hope that is a useful starting point x
Whether it is lupus or another autoimmune disorder is not something anyone here could say - but you do need to see your GP and ask for referral to a rheumatologist. There is little point in being scared of finding out what illnesses you might have - it changes nothing about where you are, it does mean they can be managed so they impinge less on your life, now and in the future.
Hey. Sounds like lots of things going on. Some people have more symptoms than others. Get to your GP and asked to be referred. Hope it helps. Happy health. Claire bear x
hey thanx for your replies and I kno i need the GP I think part of the problem is I saw a rheumatologist 5 years ago with similiar symptoms including burning sensation of joints and even tho my blood tests showed high ESR and high Rhuematoid factor I was informed it was all psychological so there are reasons behind my reluctance to engage with the medical profession particulary if you have been dismissed as being a fraud
Well that is a new one on me - that you can will your ESR to be high!!!!!! Wonder if it works the other way!
You need to go to your GP and explain that - and ask how a high ESR could be psychological. Then ask them to do some investigations first, which they can. Then find a rheumy who is rather more caring and polite...
I couldn't agree more with everything that PMRpro has said. You will need to be referred to a rheumatologist for further investigations and a potential diagnosis. Perhaps you could ask your GP to refer you to a rheumatologist with a specialist interest in lupus - they may be less dismissive.
Whereabouts do you live? If you'd like to let me know I can provide you with information about any lupus specialists we know nearby.
If you'd like more information about lupus and how it is diagnosed, you can request or download one of our free packs at lupusuk.org.uk/request-info...