The weather is dreadful. I thought this might make you all smile xxx
To brighten a rainy day : The weather is dreadful... - LUPUS UK
To brighten a rainy day

And another 😍
And another 😍
And another..sorry not sorry 😂
Yep another 😍
Too cute 😍
I cannot resist them 😍
Look 😍
Soooo cute, assume you love red squirrels - we all do 😗
Awwwww….precious…CP 🥰
Thank you sweetie for making my day.
EJ 🤗♥️🥰🙏🕊
What a sweet picture! Thanks! It’s rainy here too!☔️🌨We do need the rain. Bring on the blossoms!
both sunflower ones are my favs but they're all great. thank you
Rainy day truly brightened! Lovely pics CP! ❤️🤗😘🤗
Fabulous..thank you CP 🤗 rainy day?? What rainy day?? 🌬️🌨️💧☔🌧️⚡😹🌈😽😽Xx
Soo cute 🙃🙂😀😃🐿🌻 thank you for sharing x
I cannot stop looking at this photo! It says so much. 😀😀
Hope you are feeling better.
They are beautiful critters....great photography....good cheery nite for the end of a day ta 🌻😀
Beautiful, thank you! my favourite is the last one with the blue poppy and the spray of flowers over squirrel's head - so pretty! How are you, CecilyP and how's your leg? I hope you are not in too much pain xx
They cheered me up no end when I saw them. They are unbelievably cute aren’t they? When I was stuck in a tiny little flat in Torquay while Neil worked, I spent hours watching the squirrels. They made my day with their antics. My leg is recovering slowly thank you. I can bend and straighten it more easily and I do not have the awful shock type pains. I still cannot put my foot flat on the floor and stairs are problematic still but I can stand for ten or fifteen minutes so that is so much better. Even my poor nose is improving. The swelling has gone, no nosebleeds for 48 hours so fingers crossed I will soon be sooooo much better. Thank you so much for your kindness xxx
Ooh gosh, I must have missed about your nose. Poor you, nose bleeds are so horrid, aren't they? Fingers crossed they stay away! Glad the leg is slowly improving, you've had so much to put up with lately. Were they red squirrels in Torquay?
My nose was a nightmare. I was congested and getting blood down my nose so my GP told me to do nasal ablations. After day five it was just pure blood so I stopped doing it but then the nose bleeds were three and four times a day and two or three at night. I was waking up choking on blood. My GP was very patronising and said it was probably anxiety making them worse. Thankfully I was at a respiratory appointment when my nose started bleeding and I could not stop it. By the time they called me in I was covered in blood and it was dripping all over the floor. The respiratory nurse was wonderful. She tried to clean me up and went to Minor Injuries to get advice. She called the on call ENT doctor and he said I needed to go to A&E 20 miles away. I was there over 7 hours and they cauterised my nose in three places. The doctor said the nostril skin was dry and cracked which he felt was Bechets. So not anxiety after all 🙄. Yes the squirrels in Torquay were grey, quite plump and so clever and acrobatic. I loved them and spent a fortune on treats and food just so that I could get to watch them some more xxx
Fav is the one peaking into the water then in second place the one where he looks like a pop star singing into the 🎤 but none of them get “NIL POINTS” 🥰

No Nil points, definitely full points for cuteness xxx
What fabulous photos of these adorable squirrels. It was VERY windy and wet here yesterday in Portpatrick (south of Stranraer) where we are on holiday but it is sunny this morning and these wonderful photos have cheered us even more. Ideal for hubby’s birthday! Thank you Cecily. 🤗😘xx
How wonderful that you are on holiday. I hope you have a lovely time and that the weather improves for you lovely. Happy Birthday to your hubby 🎂🍾🥂🎉 xxx
Thank you Cecily. We are just back from a long walk on a coastal path which was VERY challenging for me with my poor balance. We had to let loads of couples pass because I’m so slow. But it was great and even nicer to get back to the apartment for a nice cuppa. Hubby thanks you for your kind wishes. Here he is on the hilly coastal walk .
Oh well done you for managing it that is fantastic. I hope you all have a fabulous evening xxx
I’ll sleep well tonight 😂 Thanks for your kind wishes and I hope you and Neil and the boys have a lovely evening too. 🤗😘xx
Thank you. I asked Neil about where you were staying and he says it is a beautiful area of Scotland. I so wanted to see a hairy coo, a red squirrel and a stag when I visited Loch Lomond sadly not one . I hope you have better luck xxx
We used to live in the Highlands where we saw all those animals regularly. Still see red squirrels in D&G where we live now and roe deer rather than the red deer and believe it or not some farmers even keep a few hairy Highland coos. 😆 Here’s a picture of hubby with one near Crianlarich we saw while walking 2 years ago. 😘xx
Oh how lovely. They are such beautiful animals. Thank you for sharing. Xxx
What a great hairy beast. Which 1 is your hubby??? (Weak joke). I live in London. But seeing a load of hills & less people really makes me restless. Especially with lockdown easing. I’m dreading more people. When my joints allow. Walking is bloody great for the soul. Eventhough i live in Central London. It really cheers me up walking around the old parts of the city.
Oh how beautiful. Plus it’s a red squirrel. I live in London. We only have grey squirrels. (Like the weather!) I live with a beautiful brown Syrian hamster called Eric. He’s a crazy, lovely boy. I close all my doors, get boxes out in my hall. I lie on the floor with a cover & pillows. I wear my headphones. While he uses me as a human climbing frame. He’s really cheered me up during lockdown!!!
I live near Cambridge where there is apparently a colony (group) of ‘black’ squirrels although I’ve not seen them.Here’s a challenge then, what is the collective word for squirrels? Answers in a nutshell please 🥜

I have seen black squirrels on a nature programme, they are absolutely beautiful. We have grey squirrels in South Wales too and I just adore them. A scurry of squirrels is a wonderful thing 😍 xxx

Answers in a nutshell. Very good. I’ve cheated. A group of squirrels is a dray or a scurry. I prefer a scurry of squirrels. I remember when i was about 10 my dad told me the red squirrels were dying out. I felt so sad. The greys were chasing them off. Taking over their ‘manor’. Must be lovely to see a black squirrel. (Very special). Never knew they existed.
Here’s my hamster. Crazy Eric
Oh my goodness what a handsome little man Eric is. He is just so cute. No wonder he has made lockdown easier for you. Thank you for sharing his photo. He has made me smile too. Zooming in on his dear little face is advisable 😍 xxx
Crazy Eric is adorable! However would we through our lives without our precious furry blessings?
Healing hugs.
I totally agree. I lost my mum 3yrs ago. Still grieving. I felt emotional one night. Eric was doing his crazy run arounds. Then he suddenly looked back at me. He could sense something. He ran up my leg & sat on my lap & let me stroke him. He only let me for a couple of mins. But it was very touching. He knows he’s a form of therapy! X
Vixen2, They do know. I have my soul mate cat, Pumpkin who always knows things before I do. My first A-Fib attack, he wouldn't leave my side and kept looking at me with such concern. I had no idea what was happening, but he did. I also have a young border collie, Gigi. There's a long story there, but she makes me laugh so much with her silly antics and I know it helps.
Healing hugs.
You do hear that pets can sense if their owner’s not well. It’s so heartwarming to hear that pets can be so attuned to their owners. It’s fascinating. Your pets sound so special. It’s lovely to hear. X
Hi Cecily. I know. He’s gorgeous. He should start his own fanclub. He’s very photogenic. When i let him out of his cage. He goes crazy. Jumps & skips like a little lamb. Just so funny to watch. I think everyone should have a hamster!