I feel like connective tissue bad on rainy, or cloudy, humid days. Anyone else notice this?
Does rainy, humid weather affect pain?: I feel like... - LUPUS UK
Does rainy, humid weather affect pain?

Yes I do I am totally washed out ,on days like that , I am in awrful pain in the winter , but this year I was so looking forward to warmer weather but as this illness progresses , so my ability to adept to the inviroment is getting worse ,I get headaches if the sun is shining , as well so I feel I can't win and I am turning into a bit of a hermit I hope I am ok in the autum that's my favourite time of the year , this past 12 months has been quite a learning curve .
Shadows.....little concerned. My kidney dr (who knows nothing about lupus) made a comment that low end sufferers generally stay low end. I noticed since being diagnosed 4 months ago new symptoms seem to arise. Does lupus get worse and why? I know winter is tough with me. Even gloves can't keep the tips of my fingers warm. Well, warm weather is here! Yeah! Hope u r feeling better. And autumn is my favorite too!
Hi Natura
I have really bad pain on rainy days. It might sound weird but I seem to know that it is going to rain before it does because of the increase in pain. I know exactly what u mean. I think alot of people with our conditions are affected by damp weather.
Hugs esky x
Natura ,
Do you know the saying I can feel it in my bones. I too can tell when the weather is going to change as I too can feel it , especially in my ankles which makes walking very difficult.
But it seems like we all try and get on with it.
Hi Natura
I find my joints are stiffer and ache more in humidity making walking very difficult. Where do you live in New York?. I've got an American pen friend who lives in Suffern.
Hope your as well as can be.X
misty... I wish I lived in Suffern. I live on Long Island. Wish I could live in the country. Not my choice living here.
I live on Long Island also. Our weather this past year has been questionable. Severe winter, cold and rainy spring. We haven't had any summer at all here. I hate hot weather, but can't do anything about that, just use an Emergency Weather email with a 10 day forecast so I can prepare for those bad days. Glad to know that other LI-ers are here.
Giesha....I didn't know u were from LI. It seems as though no one knows what lupus is.
Natura, I've had nothing but a wagon full of crap from the doctors here. I was diagnosed by 3 different doctors in Texas, 20 years ago, doctors that had no connection to one another, because I wanted to be sure. ANAtest, blah, blah, blah, forward to now, here, they say no, don't have it. Had both knees replaced, even my surgeon said that my knees were the worst he's ever seen and if I don't have Lupus, what do I have. He even questioned the other doctors, I'm disgusted, my pain is at a level that I can't even explain. Just hope I don't snap, I know the human psyche is fragile, I'm at a loss. Keep putting me on antidepressants, I'm not depressed, I'm in effing pain! What does it take to get them to listen, to help? My Rheumy recently put me in crap that made me hurt more and sick. Any suggestions on a decent doctor? The docs here never requested my past records. Don't understand-
Geisha....I don't know any good doctors yet. I have been trying to deal with this on my own. I am finally seeing a rheumatologist at end of July, Dr. Bernstein is his name. Affiliated with Mather and st. Charles hospitals. He is 3 months to an appt, so I am assuming he is good. Will see. I have had terrible experiences with drs. My entire life. I had one call me bipolar because I was crying in his office crying for help. He wanted to put me on Zoloft. What a jerk! I was exhausted and at home all day with two small children. Hope you can find the right help...keep looking. There are bad doctors out there, but in the same token good ones.
Wow so it's not just me that feels like this, any changes to weather as in its going to get really hot or really cold and I'm riddled with aches and pains I've only very recently been diagnosed with sle and hughs, amongst other things, I used to always think it was arthritis until my diagnosis
hi natura not so much in summer but cold rainy or even just damp days are a real pain and hear in Scotland we get plenty of cold damp days
as far as the sun goes I stay in side middle of day and go out eary and later in the day athough sn doesent affect me as bad as it used to g
Yes, it does reek havoc on my system. I believe the barometric pressure is responsible for most of these problems. We can't do anything to control the weather, just try to help ourselves. Stay on top of the weather forecast with a ten day plan. This way you could be one step ahead on what you need to do for yourself. Hope it helps.
Natural at the moment it is wall to wall sun shine for the last few days but in the last few weeks three has been very heavy fain at times
We can have all four seasons in one day g
Hi Natura
Yes me too, totally and today is one of those days here! I also can tell if it's going to rain or not. I'm ill pretty much all winter - I do definitely feel better in dryer weather. Today the fatigue has hit me like a bus and knocked me for 6 to the point where moving is an effort!! Well wishes xx
Jo...rainy here today...low energy and moving slow myself. Hate that....I did too many chores and errands yesterday, and was feeling real tired by the evening. I don't know how to relay this to my family. They still think I am fine because I look ok on the outside.
Yesterday it was sunny here and I'd been stuck inside for 2 days as had builders in and packages being delivered, so like you I crammed and had a busy one - I'm still in a state of limbo with diagnosis as I'm sero negative. Despite all the symptoms, malar rashes, levido reticularis, joint pain, and the fatigue where even breathing wears you out!! I've been doing the anti-inflammatory Paleo diet, so I've been doing my bit and looking after myself. My Dr (not rheumy) has decided to reduce my steroids. I have come down from 15mg to 10 but struggling on 10mg. My next rheumy appt not till November and summer months are the only time I'm semi-able. So I've decided today to book privately to see my rheumatologist that helped me initially before linking me back into the NHS here, 7 months is too long to wait for an appointment, especially when they are weaning you off the only med that has been any help!! Dr wants me down to 7.5mg. What a difference being well makes all round hey? The ability to do things without pain and fatigue is a mood lifter in itself!! I'm not prepared to give up my summer which is my only reprieve, the last 2 years have been extremely hard, there have been no birthday parties for my children as I have been too ill - this year I have been making it happen come hell or high water. It took a year of being totally incapacitated before being prescribed meds and a further year to get the meds right before seeing improvement, not to mention a spell in hospital that left me unable to care for my self or my family!! My general Dr has changed 2 or 3 times recently and this one and I will end up locking horns. Mainly because this is my life and I'm fighting hard for it - they have no idea what we go through - with there good health whilst shuffling you out the door because they have other patients to see!!! Sorry - for the outpour - I'm struggling, but also know I have GP battle commencing, next week and need to keep my wits about me and be assertive. Whilst finding myself some proper help!! I understand how you feel about the family not always understanding - I generally feel that only other sufferers understand the full extent of our tiredness, pain and inability to plan things. At the moment I am psyching myself up to cook dinner for the family - my whole body is screaming 'Nooooo' but I will still make myself do it!! Sending love and light xx
Jo...feel like that every night. Dinner is a real effort sometimes. Right now my eyes are burning and I did three big things already today (bike ride, mowed lawn, picked up my sister from a dr appt), and the day is only half over. I have an art class at the library, dinner to make and then a concert tonight. I don't mean to complain, these are all good things. Just too much crammed into one day. I am tired just thinking about the rest of my day. Feel better...good luck with party. I totally understand. Why I don't have parties anymore. Too much work, and I collapse at the end. Not fun for me. Only more work.
Where's my post at? Was workin on it, then nada