Lupus and random nausea? : Hi Guys, since i've... - LUPUS UK


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Lupus and random nausea?

aimenkhattak27 profile image
20 Replies

Hi Guys,

since i've started seeing symptoms for lupus (before starting on medication as well) one of the first things i noticed was my random bouts of nausea and increased sense of smell. For some reason, i get nauseous and throw up about 2-3 times a week at complete random. Just now i was walking to my room and all of a sudden my mouth started watering and i started gagging and had to run to the bathroom to throw up - there was no smell or anything to trigger it. i've also noticed my increased sense of smell, even the foods that smell SO good makes me nauseous, the smell hits me like a ton of bricks and will make me throw up and so of course this also happens with horrid smells like trash (which still doesnt seem okay to me considering i use to take the trash out perfectly fine without throwing up) I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced an increase sense of smell or just random nausea trigged by nothing? I know the medication isnt the cause because this started before i was diagnosed with lupus and it continued happening when i was taken off my medication between sept-october. also as a note: i havent mentioned this nausea to my new rheumatologist who i saw last month because i completely forgot even tho its one of my most odd symptoms and i cannot figure out why. Anyone experience something similar/what did your doctor say?

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aimenkhattak27 profile image
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20 Replies
Noopi profile image

My husband and I (we both have lupus) have both experienced random nausea trigged by nothing, but not as often as you seem to do. We have understood that it has to do with producing less liquid in the body.

aimenkhattak27 profile image
aimenkhattak27 in reply to Noopi

Ah its relieving to know im not the only one! Where have you heard about the body producing less liquids? Was this mentioned by your doctor?

Noopi profile image
Noopi in reply to aimenkhattak27

Digestive problems are common in lupus. Doctors say 1/3 of lupus patients experience stomac pain, nausea and vomiting. Inflammation in small vessels inside various organs can lead to problems in pancreas, colon and connective tissue around organs inside the stomac. This can lead to intense stomac pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and fever. Maybe you also experience ‘dry eyes syndrome’, dry mouth and dry skin? Drinking water throughout the day and sugar free coke in between can ease the nausea. 💫

aimenkhattak27 profile image
aimenkhattak27 in reply to Noopi

Yes i do have dry eye syndrome!! My optometrist confirmed it and prescribed me an immunosuppressant eye drop. Its insane how lupus can affect anything and everythinh. Do you think digestive problems can become serious in lupus? Should i mention this to my rheumatologist?

Noopi profile image
Noopi in reply to aimenkhattak27

Yes, I think you should mention it. Vomiting a lot can damage the lower part of the esophagus (and your teeth as well). Taking one tablet of Nexium every day may calm your stomach and prevent damage. I really hope you somehow will get better 🌷

whatsit profile image

I’ve not been sick but I do feel slightly sick ,I have heightened sense of smell , some foods are really repulsive to me, ( fish and chips) mostly fish , extra cleaning sinks bathrooms as I think their smelly , I don’t know what it’s all about , hope someone knows 💕💕

aimenkhattak27 profile image
aimenkhattak27 in reply to whatsit

yes!! Its like even the things that never smelt bad or strong to me all of a sudden do!! Its so weird i hope there are answers for why :(

CecilyParsley profile image

Oh I feel for you. Pre diagnosis I worked about an hour and a half from home. I managed each day to get to a large Tesco store and it became known as the vomit stop. I would literally race from the car to the loo and heave. Then sporadic bouts of diarrhoea so awful that I had to throw underwear away. Since diagnosis my gut problems recur but not on a regular basis like yours. I get the smell issue. I am forever being repulsed or stimulated by smells others just do not smell.My carer took me to the GP surgery the week before last and I was gagging and my eyes streaming because I could smell sewage. No one else could. It is the oddest thing. As we left sure enough a water board van pulled up at one of the drains. Vindication lol. It is very odd . Sometimes I think our bodies hate us. Xx

Freckle1000 profile image

I don't know about the sense of smell thingi , but don't forget to get you're kidneys checked. Pretty much standard and mandatory with lupus.

aimenkhattak27 profile image
aimenkhattak27 in reply to Freckle1000

Ive recently as of last month had redone my regular blood work and i was found to have protein and blood in my urine and elevated liver enzymes. The numbers were too high so the doctor said we’d keep an eye on it and redo tests at my 3 month follow up. Coule this be associated with my nausea symptoms?

Freckle1000 profile image
Freckle1000 in reply to aimenkhattak27

Its a little weird that the Doctor ignored protein and blood in you're urine along with elevated liver enzymes ??? Pathology numbers can't be too high to be brushed aside ?. It doesn't make sense.

So a very large YES. Lupus can cause auto - immune hepatitis (liver) and lupus nephritis (kidney) SLE Inflammation to either of these organs damage - will cause nausea if the disease process is severe enough.

aimenkhattak27 profile image
aimenkhattak27 in reply to Freckle1000

there was a typo in my last comment, i meant to say the numbers WEREN'T too high which is why they are keeping an eye on it, but i have a family history of kidney disease which is why i am so worried.... if i do have kidney or liver involvement i guess that would make sense why im nauseous like you said! do you have a link to a website or article that talks about this?

Freckle1000 profile image
Freckle1000 in reply to aimenkhattak27

Sorry, bit of a pedant here.

I don't have specific articles to recommend- but googling SLE Lupus Nephritis and Auto immune Hepatitis ( and lupus ) should get you somewhere.

But don't let the reading freak you out. Both things are preventable and controllable with propper immuno- suppression.

Nausea could be caused by so so many things - but with SLE it's always just good standard practice to look at the kidneys - it's one of the most vaulnerable organs lupus go's for.

Good luck finding an answer to the nausea. It awful to suffer through.


Bebe76 profile image

Yes! I have a heightened sense of smell - I wish I didn't! I am not sure of the cause, but I think it started around the same time as my Sjogren's symptoms started (dry eyes, mouth, nasal cavities). I also had terrible bouts of nausea (sometimes for days/weeks) prior to being diagnosed with coeliac disease and then SLE shortly after. The nausea didn't stop even when the coeliac disease was under control, but what did help me was omeprazole. I didn't realize I had an issue with acid, but my GP asked if I wanted to try it, and thankfully it helped me quite a bit.

aimenkhattak27 profile image
aimenkhattak27 in reply to Bebe76

I was told by my eye doctor she suspects sjrones or dry eye syndrome and prescribed me with immunosuppressants for that!! Our stories are so similar, i do think it might just be an acid issue so i’ll mention it to my doctor, thanks so much ❤️

stiff19 profile image

interesting. I've no diagnosis but amongst various symptoms I've had this not with your regularity and dry eyes also morning dry gagging and heightened sense of smell 🤷‍♀️

aimenkhattak27 profile image
aimenkhattak27 in reply to stiff19

it actually use to be less frequent in the beginning but now its a couple times a week or day it really depends and has no rhyme or rhythm. i hope you figure out whats wrong! do you have any other symptoms of autoimmune or just the dry eyes and sense of smell+nausea?

stiff19 profile image
stiff19 in reply to aimenkhattak27

Yes many 🙈 what it’s all down to ?🤷‍♀️ I used to try and work it out but now waiting and hoping neuro will help as bad rheumy experience , but I wish it’d be soon to get some help with symptoms 🙏

Hope you sort it out I’d want to know reason for protein and blood in urine, years ago before being on forum I used to be told I had protein and blood in urine but not to worry and all put down to fibro but I’d question now and think you should too especially high liver enzymes 🤷‍♀️ I’m no expert but don’t just accept without explanation . Take care best wishes 🙏

CecilyParsley profile image

I don’t think so, the fact that there was a problem with the sewer meant that my nose was more sensitive than others

aimenkhattak27 profile image

my only thing is that i had this issue before i was diagnosed and started on medication, and medication has neither made it worse or better

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