Hi All me again, Hope you are all as well as you can be.
So little update from me been on and off steroids since the start of this year they help a lot started hydroxychloroquine 4 months ago and thought it was helping however due to being on steroids for the first 6 weeks we realised once I finished them that they were actually the ones helping not the hydroxy.
Numerous new symptoms such as ulcers in the nose, decaying teeth, rashes and random bruises.
Managed to get an urgent appointment with my rheumatologist which was today she's now advised to stop hydroxychloroquine and referring me upto a lupus specialist in London called Dr Cruze as she explained the next course of medication will be harsher so she wants him to give a treatment plan that she can then follow here. She is also sending me for a heart scan as my heart rate keeps jumping and she wants me to have a steroid injection to last 6 weeks whilst awaiting the London appointment.
So sorry for the long post but just wondering has anyone had the steroid injection? Is there any cons to it?
Also has anyone got any advice for when I do see the specialist in London?
Just having a really rubbish time atm with symptoms π thanks in advance if you got this far and for any responses π