Hi everyone,
I’m new to the community although I was diagnosed with Lupus 6 years ago following a head to toe rash as a reaction to Terbinafine. However it appears I’ve had it most of my life with unexplained problems such as a malfunctioning gall bladder which was removed when I was 25 and two unexplained miscarriages at 20 weeks and 22 weeks when I was 24 years old and 25 years old. I’ve suffered migraines, nausea and fatigue all my adult life again without explanation so the diagnosis at least explained a lot of my past problems. I have recently been going through a very stressful time and a rash has started up again. I’m using Dermavate and it is slowly subsiding but haven’t increased my Hydroxychloroquine dose. I’m assuming the stress has triggered the rash. Has anybody else experienced this and if so are there any dietary or other tips you can give to help reduce the risk of more spots/rash?