I have been experiencing heat sweats. I have noticed that I am always hot. I live in London and recently the temperature has been much cooler. I need to have the fan constantly on because I am always hot. I am on prednisolone, azathioprine and hydroxychloroquine and am not sure if it's the side effects of the medication or lupus symptoms. Has anyone experienced heat sweats because of Lupus (SLE)?
Lupus symptoms??: I have been experiencing heat... - LUPUS UK
Lupus symptoms??
I’m normally freezing from the inside out. But, I have had lupus for more than 15 years and the heat when it comes feels like I’m going to fry. I’m past menopause. I have 1-3 a night now. I hope you get relief.
Thank you for your reply. How do you deal with the heat sweats? I'm not sure whether I should mention to this to my rheumatologist?
I tell my doc everything. I try to stay hydrated. I have less when I’m well hydrated. I have less if I do gentle exercises and of course stay out of the heat. It’s like I build it up in my bones for 6 hours later. It’s weird. There might be some other people with good answers. I suffer through them. Mine last 5-20 minutes. My aunt is always on fire (lupus) since they took her off plaquenil.
I get them but I am also menopause age too. Plus I've had a few UTIs. Sweats can, I've heard, be related to your adrenals releasing cortisone to combat adrenaline when you have low blood sugar.
Interesting. I’ve had cold clammy sweats recently. Well past an easy menopause. A couple of evenings ago I felt really bad, with palpitations and hot sweats going cold. I found myself eating some wine gums instinctively, and it settled. I’ll monitor that.
M th Same.have hot sweats every evening. Menopause has been and gone.
Not too bad in the day.when evening comes,will have 2 or 3 sweat type episodes.prefer to see n thecl side,but go dead hot,unpleasant to say the least. Happens in bed at night.sleep with a sheet and a fleecy dressing gown. When the. Heat comes. Just throw the dressing gown on the floor.
I can’t use the cooling pillows etc as I am so cold when I go to bed.
Am on Prednisolone 9 mg daily. On Azatropine,but have had to stop it for a week because liver bloods going up. For bloods again tomorrow,wish me luck, eyed to be able to start taking the Azatropine again!
I think the sweats are getting worse ,have a sore left forearm.am presuming it’s a symptom of lupus. Lupus is so sneaky!
I hope your liver tests come back good. We call lupus the snake in our house. It just sneaks up out of nowhere sometimes and does something weird to me.
I think hot flashes are so common due to diseases and medications that docs don’t even take them seriously anymore. Also patients are getting older so I think our endocrine system bugs out even without AI.
I did giggle at Oshkosh because I do the same thing at night. Off comes the night shirt but my right sock always stays on. It’s my mediator. Lol! I feel like I’m being microwaved.
Best of luck to you. 💛
Hot flashes are often a sign of cardiovascular disease so please do not assume they are lupus related. Rule out other causes too. Oshkosh, your left arm plus new onset of sweating warrants a visit to your GP.
Thanks,I had 2 nuclear heart scans 2 weeks ago.awaiting results. Fingers crossed that I’m ok