Does anyone else have trouble with sore sensitive teeth? I have lupus and Sjogren's.
Sore Teeth: Does anyone else have trouble with sore... - LUPUS UK
Sore Teeth

Hello Goer... I have SLE (and prob Sjogren's my rheumy thinks) - and I can say I have throbbing gums and jaw bone at times.. and also sores around my teeth and on the soft palate. Now and then my actual teeth do feel a little like they did when I tried a tooth whitening kit via the dentist about 10yrs ago... pre my diagnosis as I truly wouldn't do that now! I don't know how to explain it really... apart from, yes, sore... I think it was their being porous. I started to use a sensitive toothpaste that fills in the dentine (or advertises that it does!). That helps. There are loads on the market.. Oral B etc. Hope that helps.. Keep safe/well as possible. D x
I used to get this. Apparently Lupus also affects the gums. Is there anything it doesn't affect!!!
I have SLE and Sjogren's and have problems with teeth & gums, probably due to lack of saliva. I had no fillings at all until I reached 40 when it all went wrong (I don't think coming off hydroxychloroquine helped). My dentist prescribes me a high fluoride toothpaste from Colgate called Duraphat to help.
I have sore teeth thanks to Sjogrens and lupus. I have been prescribed pilocarpine tablets from rheumatologist. It's brilliant in the sense that my mouth isn't dry and my teeth feel better but boy oh boy does it make your mouth feel like a waterfall. I take half a tablet as a whole tablet left my mouth feeling like someone left the tap on!
I use duraphat toothpaste and brush my teeth after every meal. My teeth have got worse since I got onto the wrong side of forty 😂
I've got UCTD and when I'm feeling bad with it and really shattered my teeth ache. It's not all the time but I know that when my teeth hurt that I'm going to have a few rough days.
Thanks for asking about this Goer! I have the same issue and it looks like others do too. I was scared I had leukemia or something was wrong with my marrow. Happy to hear that intermittent teeth sensitivity seems to be a common issue.
I tend to get sore patches in my mouth but also ulcers, l have Lupus and Sojgrens, never had to visit a dentist until about 5 years ago, now have many problems with abscesses, and sensitivity with my teeth, also teeth breaking, was prescribed Duraphat by old dentist, but chap who took over the practice tells me he does not prescribe it but that l can buy it over the counter. Hugs beaming over Goer.x
I,m not a lupus sufferer but do have fibro,,sjorgrens, my teeth drive me crazy with pain,dentist has xrayed but no cavities...I use Colgate pro relief I use A finger tip and rub around the tooth/ nose is always dry crusty and sometimes bleeds slightly..for this I have double base gel,,same with ears they are dry inside and itch deep down,I apply the gel off a cotton bud but NOT deep down the skin is atrophic and I use the gel all over body..hope this helps you.

Thank you really appreciate your help.
Yes, my teeth have increased sensitivity at different times of the month. Odd but true. My teeth often feel soft and spongy in the morning.
I get this and in the autumn had it for weeks - was supposed to have a dental check-up, but daren't go as couldn't stand them being touched - difficult to clean even. I suspected I had a virus as-well which could have set it off.