Thanks for all your replies on my last time Post really appreciate you all taking the time to write back to me.
I decided it would be easier to write a new post as I don’t feel well to write back to everyone.
Sorry 😐 xx
Anyone skin really hot having temp for no reason
I went out in the sun yesterday but it wasn’t hot
I had a black T-shirt on and when I can in my skin was boiling and rashes bit odd as I had only been out for about 30mins sitting in the field at the back of my house with the kids.
Then all night I had a really high temperature but you know when you try and sleep it off but it keeps waking you up
I’ve been feeling really hot since my skin is just hot to touch 🤔 rash went when I came in yesterday and cooled down it’s weird I think it’s wearing black that heats up my skin quickly.
Have got this Crawling under my skin feeling also ! My face it particularly hot but every time i take a pic it takes the red out ( great in normal circumstances but not when you want to show it 🤨)
Feeling fed up like I’m coming down with something.