Hi everyone, this is my first post here. As the title says I’m feeling a bit confused at the moment, and I’m hoping someone can shed some light on my situation or share their stories too.
I’m 29 and I live in Essex. After quite a few viral infections and long investigations, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2013, and in 2015 I was diagnosed with ME. My life has changed a lot over the years and I’ve had to make a lot of changes to the way I live in order to cope with my health issues.
At the end of last year I went to my GP as I wasn’t feeling very good. I’d been feeling on and off like that for at least a year and I just put it down to the Fibro and ME. I’m quite used to those conditions, but I just felt that something was different when I was having these episodes.
My GP ran some blood tests and my ESR and CRP were both highly elevated, but my ana test came back negative (although I don’t know the numbers). I was put on steroids and my ESR/CRP levels went down to a normal range. After I came off the steroids though, my ESR went right back up and has been consistently high all year.
Last May, I saw the Rheumatologist and in his examination letter he had marked me down as having hyper-mobility syndrome as well as my pre-exisitng conditions and said he certainly thinks I have an autoimmune condition, either Lupus or connective tissue disorder. He was very thorough and took down my family history which includes Fibromyalgia and Lupus. He sent me for another ana test and a chest xray but they lost both tests when the NHS computer system got hacked. My blood test was redone but I still don’t have any news. He said that when I saw them again I could maybe start a trial of Hydroxychloroquine.
I’ve got my follow up appointment at the end of October, and I’m feeling worried about it. I saw my GP yesterday as I had another episode of feeling really unwell again and she’s run some blood tests so I’m waiting to hear about my ESR again. She won’t give me any further information and I just feel really stuck. The Rheumatologist I saw last time has left and been replaced by someone new, which also worries me.
I’ve also had very painful feet for the past few years to the point where walking is becoming an issue. I have Plantar Fasciitis in both feet and have done for years. I’ve recently had an operation to lengthen my calf muscle in the hope to relieve some of the pain and tension in my foot, but so far the pain has got worse. I’ve been seeing a physiotherapist who said that if I was to have an autoimmune condition, then that’s what could be causing the pain in my feet. As my walking is becoming affected, I’m desperate for a diagnosis.
I guess my main questions are:
• can you have a negative ana but be diagnosed with Lupus?
• can your ESR be raised when you have Lupus?
• how long did it take you to get a diagnosis?
• any tips to help me get some answers from the rheamatologist?
My symptoms are: redness on my face over both cheekbones and slightly on my forehead and hairline, nausea when I'm having a flare up of unknown condition, headaches and migraines, dizziness, feeling hot all of the time, occasional night sweats, I feel like all of my joints are on fire including my teeth, feeling really itchy in my soft tissues and muscles, extreme fatigue, very bad pain in my feet and legs, very sensitive in my upper torso and upper arms, mobility problems, IBS, Anaemia, chest pain, insomnia and sleep issues and so much more!
Sorry for the long post, I know that no one can tell me if I have Lupus or not, but any advice would really help me!