Hi everyone,
I posted here a while ago because I am concerned I could have lupus (my ESR, 25, and CRP, 34, have been raised for months, my liver ggt is raised but they think that is NAFL, I am often too fatigued for work and have had to go part time, I ache everywhere, headaches, brain fog and memory loss...)
Anyway on advice from this page I brought it up with my GP last month, she checked for protein in my urine which there wasnt any, and referred me to a clinician - I haven't heard anything about my appointment yet though.
However, I have now come out in hives. It started last Tuesday when I thought I had been bitten by an insect. It died down but then yesterday I woke up covered in very itchy hives - my groin area, my elbows and knees being particularly bad. I've changed all my laundry in case, and taken antihistamines, and they've gone down but are still there.
My question is has anyone had hives with lupus/other autoimmune diseases?