I have been unwell for over 4 years now.
Symptoms are fatigue, joint and muscle pain, optical migraines (never had them before) balance issues, headaches.
I am hypothyroid and have recently been diagnosed with severe dry eyes.
I have had several miscarriages and 1 premature baby
I have always thought my problems were ‘Autoimmune’ but have been told no as all blood tests were normal.
I went to the lupus unit at St Thomas in 2015 where my autoimmune screen was normal, discharged.
Recent bloods (whilst having my dry eyes investigated) showed a positive P ANCA, the ophthalmologist mentioned the possibility of lupus and referred me to Rheumatology, at last, I thought I was geting somewhere (been made to feel I was making things up in the past) was told at St Thomas’s that they could do nothing unless something showed up on the bloods.
Rheumatologist said that the P ANCA was not that raised, raised but nothing to worry about.
Diagnosed with fibromyalgia, said i disagreed, did not go down well.
Feel frustrated.......any advice please?
Any Doctors who i could see that may help, I am prepared to pay/travel.
Thank you