Hello all. Happy new year!
I haven’t posted in a while. It’s been a hectic year of cataract surgery and elbow surgeries. Hoping 2020 will be calmer.
Today I had a rheumy appointment. I was due a follow up 6 months ago but my consultant has grown a two year backlog so today I was seen by another doctor I haven’t seen before. I would be grateful for any experience in understanding my test results.
My diagnosis is Lupus SLE with Sjogrens. I take hydroxy and use multiple eye drops. I don’t have a copy of my test results but understood my white blood cell count is low (I have had auto immune neutropenia for more than 20 years though my lupus diagnosis was only 2017) and liver function is slightly abnormal (this is a common theme for me though the extent varies but the doctor says liver involvement is not usually associated with lupus).
Blood pressure was low at 98/68.
What was unusual though was he mentioned there were white cells in my urine. I’ve not had this previously. I have no other bladder or kidney symptoms, no UTI that I’m aware of. I don’t want to worry unnecessarily but I’m not sure what might be causing this?
I would have asked but the questions were coming thick and fast and the conversation moved on quickly and I’m easily distracted! Grateful for any help understanding. Thank you.