Hi everyone,
After many years my rheumatologist has finally concurred that I appear to have a mild connective tissue disease - possibly Lupus (which I have been convinced of for a long time)
Apparently I don't meet all of the criteria but my clinical presentation combined with minor variations in blood results has made him reconsider!
I never test positive on the ANA tests, but I have had numerous tests (following random bruising) where my white blood count and platelets are slightly lower than normal - even though they claim not low enough to explain bruising.....
My rheumatologist did a load of tests and my anticardiolipin antibody Igm test was weakly positive at 15
I have had frequent migraines since I was 10yrs old, raynauds, UV skin rashes, other bizarre rashes, miscarriage (although only 1 and you need 2 for a diagnosis usually??) I have had joint pain on and off for many years - one particular flare diagnosed as psoriatic arthritis, food & drug allergies. I also suffer fatigue and memory issues/brain fog - I frequently struggle to remember people's names! - maybe it's due to age (41) but I'd hope not ☺️
I have asked the rheumy to repeat the anticardiolipin antibody test, for which I await the results - he said I may need to take low dose aspirin if it comes back positive
Has anyone else had a mild lupus diagnosis or mild CTD with similar blood tests coming back slightly out of normal range?