Dear people,
First of all, I am sorry we are srtuggling :(!
My battle started two years ago with extreme fatigue, such exhaustion that I could hardly get up and walk to couch from bed. I had horrible palpitations all the time, half dizzyness, arythmia, lightheadedness, and a feeling of being attacked by some strange heet, like in virus.
After month and a half and some usuall blood tests, kardiologic exams, holter and ergometry, the state got better and I was diagnozed with mitral valve prolaps, pannic attacks and gastric problems.
Since than I am better but not my self. I am teeribly tired. I have no energy to train sport any more. I hardly manage to work and then I need much rest for another day. I have some strange "visual auras-scintilating scotomas" that are as freequeng as few a week, sometimes 2 per day. I have brain fogs, zaps... I sometimes forget things that happened(only two occasions). I feel strange unstability in my feet and hand wrists(fingers), like weekness. My sholder hurts like I have twisted it and I cant fully move it(I cant bend it behind my back). The joint of one of my fingers hurts and I have some strange white spots on my nails since few months ago. I also have constant vitamin D deficiency last few years, all other vitamins are fine. I have shakiness/tremmors in the mornings and episodes of sudden weakneses sometimes with no rule.
And most of all, I am sick of it!
All blood tests were mostly normal so far, besides Vitamin D and constantly high eritrocites(microcite anemia of unknown origin).
And now my doctor gave me ana and ena since she is trying to conclude what is wrong with me.
Ana returned highly positive >1:1280, but all ena is negative. My pattern is homogenus.
Also, my tyroid gland looks in ultrasound as I have Hashimotto, it is big and inflamed, but tyroid antibodies are all normal.
My question is: does what I wrote seam autoimune to you? Can ana be so highly positive without indicating autoimune desease? What can cause my tyroid to look as it looks like without it being Hashimotto?
Thanks a lot to you all and may we all overcome all our health issues :***