hi, never posted on anything like this before but you all look so nice. I am 39. I developed an unprovoked DVT at the age of 16 had another when I was 19. Have various clotting problems through both my pregnancies too. No underlying cause was found.
Ive had psoriasis since I was 8 and was treated for ankle swelling about 10 years ago and was told I had psoriatic arthritis and 6 years ago was diagnosed with coeliac disease. I’ve been in pain for years with my joints and just ignore it and carry on. I’ve had a rash across my face which I just put down to rosacea.
Over the last few months I have started developing rashes on my hands, feet and arms. These itch and burn and are quite painful then go away after a day or so. They tend to appear symmetrical too so if it’s on my right arm one day then the same place on my left the next.
I’ve been having cold sweats in the night for years too and am always exhausted!
I have recently seen a doctor who has done multiple tests and was convinced based on my face and other things going on that I had lupus. She said my face doesn’t look like rosacea. I had tons of blood test, both the inflammation ones can back raised but my Ana was negative. She’s referred me to a rheumatologist anyway as she said I need to be seen but a negative Ana means it’s unlikely to be that.
I’ve seen that you can get negative Ana and still have lupus in rare cases, is this correct? I thought I would have been positive have other autoimmune conditions.
I don’t want to have it but it would just explain so much stuff that I can’t link to much else.
Any suggestions to help would be much appreciated, thank you 😊