Hi there, I moved house just over a year ago and when registering with the local doctor it was found I had proteinuria. I've had a renal ultrasound and a renogram (with the radioactive tracer thing) and blood tests for kidney/liver function, CBC and glucose/diabetes and everything has been normal and I have no other signs of kidney disease. I've got an appointment with a nephologist in the new year but the other day my GP said he would just check auto-antibodies as well. Came back with positive ANA, negative ENA. He thought lupus was unlikely given the ENA and I have no skin rash. I've been reading bits and pieces online and I'm beginning to wonder if I am actually showing symptoms. I am always tired and struggle to get out of bed but I'm also a student so that's pretty much a given. I do get frequent joint aches, migraines and stomach aches and every now and then (maybe once or twice a month) I have a day/or a few hours where if I breath deeply I get a stabbing pain in my side. I didn't think much of these, until I was reading the symptoms online, as its normal for me. I really hate the doctors/hospital and they all seem like small trivial things that I've got used to and not worth wasting a doctors time. I don't have any skin rashes and as far as I am aware do not suffer from photosensitivity (although as a student I'm often inside). Do these sound like actual symptoms or is it just me over-reacting?
Also how do I know if the tiredness I feel is normal or not? For example at the weekend I might sleep for twelve hours and still be tired. Every day even if I've slept 8/10 hours I still struggle to get up. I work about 10-12 hour days usually 5 days a week. Sometimes I struggle to fall asleep (i think its stress) but once I'm out I usually don't wake up, always get 8+hours on a daily basis.
Obviously I'm not expecting a medical answer/diagnosis but just wanted to know if this sounds like lupus (even with a negative ENA) to a group who know what it is like to live with the condition.