Plaquenil is helping some of my lupus and mctd symptoms, but it seemed to trigger dry mouth. I need to have glass of water to sip on in the middle of the night. Has anybody else experienced this side effect of plaquenil? Or could it possibly be Sjögrens?
Plaquenil and dry mouth: Plaquenil is helping some... - LUPUS UK
Plaquenil and dry mouth

Hi, yes I drunk at least 10-12 glasses of water daily on Hydroxychloroquine. Since I was taken off it I note that I am now drinking half that amount. It is strange I never considered this before you posted .
Loopy could be sjogrens too...I find many of my lupus group have sjogrens symptoms, I have been diagnosed with both & know it's not just hydroxy...
Helps to know, especially if it involves other areas of moisture producing
Well oddly enough, I am not urinating near as much either. I thought I had a swollen prostate but maybe the mctd or lupus was causing it to swell! Regardless, my dry mouth seemed to start a few weeks after taking plaquenil. The same time my frequent urination subsided. I am happy as a lark with this medicine despite cotton mouth. Pretty sure Sjögrens not causing it because all my other lupus symptoms are better. I am pretty certain it is the plaquenil causing the cottonmouth for some reason. Cotton mouth not listed as a side effect though
Hey Loop though I was diagnosed with lupus (SCLE) 1st, sjogrens was simmering in the background which did get worse as SCLE rash & some of the other symptoms improved or calmed with hydroxy meds..but there are overlaps of course between both diseases, fatigue etc.
I felt much better with the hydroxy for quite a while, but then more symptoms arose & fatigue, including dry mouth etc..
I am also now on mycophenolate now & an array of other meds including pilocarpine to improve moisture production.. never know whats next...
hope you get to the bottom of it... ML
Hi Loopy, I’ve been waking up for sips in the middle of the night and carrying water with me at all times for about 10 years. I’ve been using the Plaquenil for about two months now. So, it could be the Plaquenil or it could be symptoms🤷🏻♀️ of what you have.

I guess the Sjögrens isn’t out of question. It’s just a new symptom that seemed to come along strangely as all other symptoms improved
Looney, it’s all so very confusing (these diseases). If only we knew what to expect and when. It serious is ridiculous how fast things come and go without any pattern to them.
I was sent to dental hospital for dry mouth. I also have dry eyes but they say it's not sjogrens. I have a toothpaste prescribed by dentist, a mouth wash, gel and spray for my dry mouth(bioxtra). They do help to some extent, maybe worth a try to see if they can be prescribed.
Good luck, hope you get it sorted
Thanks Jayfer. Did they say what it was causing the dry eyes and mouth?
Hi, no they haven't. I had a few tests at dental hospital and it was obvious I had a dry mouth, sore too. My lips become sore so have a cream for lips too that was prescribed! I use them all regularly . I have drops and gel for my eyes too. I don't have any answers sorry, only ways to help the symptoms .
Iv got Sjögren’s and get same things you get also drops and cream for dry eyes
I think they are not too concerned as I'm on medication for lupus, rheumatologist said it's the same medication for sjogrens. My dentist is extremely good as I've also had a biopsy on bottom of mouth ( goes back from when I smoked!)
As long as I get the correct meds to help with symptoms I'm not too worried.
I hope everyone gets sorted x
It may well be caused by Sjogren's. I was prescribed Glandosane Synthetic Saliva to alleviate the dry mouth as it's common with the condition. Certainly with me it's not caused by Plaquenil as I can't tolerate it. Don't know if that helps at all. Take care x

Hi loopy4me,
Dry mouth can come under Sjögren's syndrome. We published a blog article on coping with dry eyes and mouth which you may find useful to read at
For more information, you can visit the BSSA (British Sjögren’s Syndrome Association) website here:
It is best to discuss this symptom with your doctor, to see what he/she suggests :).
Please let us know how you get on, best wishes!
Try Xylimelts from - stick one on your gum at night and they slowly dissolve - I don’t wake up thirsty now. They have great stuff for dry mouths on this website. Good luck.