Hi there , been on plaquenil for many years . Now I have recently gained some weight so my rheumatologist increased my dosage with the new guidelines . She told me to split the pill in half. I did read somewhere I can’t remember where it said not to split the plaquenil . Has anyone done this with results. Am suppose to take 340 mg now . I was taking 200 mg. Thank you for any suggestions.
Plaquenil dosage : Hi there , been on plaquenil for... - LUPUS UK
Plaquenil dosage

Hello Jancis13,
I'm sure there are people who divide their tablets, but whether this has any significant clinical effect I don't know. Plaquenil tablets are film-coated and the patient information leaflet says you shouldn't crush or divide the tablets. I imagine this is mainly to prevent it from irritating your gullet on the way down.
According to a leaflet on the Mayo Clinic site, 'For patients unable to swallow hydroxychloroquine tablets: Your pharmacist can crush the tablets and put each dose in a capsule. Contents of the capsules may then be mixed with a teaspoonful of jam, jelly, or jello. Be sure you take all the food in order to get the full dose of medicine.' x
Hi Whaleroad,you are absolutely right. The rheumatologist took my weight ,converted to kilograms 68 kg then multiplied it x 5 and it came up to 340 mg a day . So I asked her if I could take 2 one day and one the next and she said she preferred for me to split them. So I think it’s best to do what works for me because I don’t want to end up with a stomach issue also. Thanks for your info.
I have been taking Plaquenil for more than two years now. I am taking 1.5 pill a day, so I cut the pill in half to do 300mg a day. I don't have any issue with my stomach, as long as I take it with food in the morning.
I’ve been taking hydroxychoroquine for six years now & Ive never been weighed. I take two a day. I’m very slim. I’ve got RD & they work really well for me.
WHAT, NEVER BEEN WEIGHED???? That’s just crazy. Is that not part of every doctor’s visit?? I use to want to skip it but after spending three years in bed gaining tons of weight who would want to. One day I started losing and 60lbs later, still going strong I am glad to have been weighed. That’s what tells them important things. You should be weighed. Especially as thin as you are.
I've been given similar advice but in reverse recently. I weigh about 50kgs and have had my dose reduced to 200mg/day but the rheumy wanted the dose reduced further because of potential ototoxicity so I was told not to split tablets but to take 200mg on alternate days.
I used to do 300mg meaning cutting one I half, I had no issues but always had/have them after food.
Right from the start, I’ve been on 300mg per day, as that is the proper dosage for my weight/height.
I take a full pill (200 mg) in the am with breakfast and a half pill (100mg) around 5-6pm. I use a pill cutter to easily cut pills in half.
Other than the bitter taste of the cut pill, no issues. Can take pill with a cracker if stomach or taste bothers you.
Why didn’t they just increase you to 400mg daily? In 2 200mg doses (morning and night) I thought 400mgs was standard daily dose anyway???
I don’t like to split tablets I never have done since doing my nurse training 18 yrs ago was always told not to back then. But don’t quote me!
I hate the taste of hydroxychloroquine as it always seems to be the one that doesn’t go down properly and then I get the horrible taste in ur mouth.
Have they put u on 340mgs once a day or twice a day???
Hi Sara , thanks for taking the time to answer my question. The guidelines for plaquenil have changed to avoid eye toxicity. So my rheuie calculated my weight in kilograms then x5 that’s how she got to 340 mg per day. Apparently there is a calculation for ideal body weight and one for your weight which is how she calculated it. I am contemplating because I do suffer from stomach issues and by splitting the pill this might stir things up so I might just alternate one day 200 another 400 and see how it goes .
Also should not be cutting the tablets as they are enteric coated and shouldn’t be cut as wont then be coated! X
I don’t know if this helps, but I have broken mine in half for years now, with no ill effects. Good luck.😀
Only the optom.ever mentioned weight and Plaquenil to me.Not one dr ever
When I was started on Hydroxychloroquine my weight was 58kg. My rheumy put me on 400mg for two days then 200mg for one day on a repeating cycle. That was 3 years ago and, as long as I get the Zentiva brand, I have had no problems.