Hi do any of you guys get these red spots, they are under the skin ( not raised), I don't get them all the time, but very often. Could it be coursed by the steroids or the Hydroxychloriq? Should I be worried?
Red spots: Hi do any of you guys get these red... - LUPUS UK
Red spots

Those look remarkably like petechiae/purpura - and are a common side effect of pred. Your skin becomes more delicate and bruises more easily - they are caused by the capillaries under the surface of the skin being damaged and bleeding slowly to leave the bruise-looking effect. The name varies depending on the size:
Hello. I can't add more than PMRpro, but just to say keep the photos of the red marks and show your rheumatologist at your next appointment. Best wishes.
I get lots of these but I've never taken steroids in my life! I've had fully blood tests on all my clotting factors and they are normal so it's a mystery. I assume it's something to do with my sun sensitivity but my medics don't seem bothered. They don't bother me either except they can look unsightly.
I get those sometimes. Petechiae are what they're called. Like small blood blisters without the pain. Lupus is a connective tissue disease too so our skin in affected. No worries with small ones here and there. If they become larger or painful, see the doc. Mine go away after a couple of days. The more hydrated I am, and the more I keep my skin lotioned, the less they appear. Been dealing with em for about 20 years. Only diagnosed with SLE 10 years ago. I worked with they population of people and you'd disease is about as baffling as the weather. You have your answer and can Google it. You'll see lots of people that have skin like us. Usually seen in older people. Keep those arms well oiled and stay hydrated. We dry out and Lupus has a field day with what it feels like messing with.
My best to you and keep fighting the good fight!!!
I have them randomly, top of arm, back, ribcage. They dont fade when pressed and they dont go away. My rheumy says its purpura caused by the Lupus. They dont bother me at all.
Do they itch ? I get dark purple red spots on my lower legs in the warmer weather and they itch like mad. Eventually they ease off but leave a light brown mark where they were. Those spots are Vasculitis - inflammation of small blood vessels under the skin, they leak blood out which is the red and causes the itch, then fade but scar. They dont disappear when pressed, more of them, but seriously itchy. Usually symmetrical too ie both legs. The purpura I dont get extra medication for but the Vasculitis I do. Definitely show the pics next time if they aren't still there.