Does anyone know what the rules, ie time frames, are on receiving test results?
I had to have a cardiogram and have a heart monitor on me for 5 days. Over 2 months later nothing. No results no letter no follow up etc.
Saw my Rheumatologist about month ago and he seemed surprised results still not in and said he’d chase. Month more and still nothing.
Anyway this week decided to chase Cardiology myself. Spoke to secretary who told me that the results haven’t even been looked at by the consultant. All this time I was thinking no news is good news and Dr hadn’t even looked or anything.
The Dr I saw is apparently only at the hosp every so often and as yet he’d not reviewed test results. The Secretary also let slip that he has a pile of patient folders to review on his desk and that he’d have to get to it soon as I’m not the only one chasing.
To say I was shocked is an understatement. I did ask why another cardiologist hadn’t stepped in, in his absence, and apparently doesn’t work that way.
Don’t know whether to speak to PALS as don’t know if this is something they can assist with?? Just feel I should be doing something to make them get their finger out. Also over 2 months is unacceptable in my mind but is it to the NHS??
Has anyone had this issue before??