Hi everyone hope you’re all keeping as safe and well as you can be. Just wanted to post on here as I see a few questions being raised about a third dose as opposed to a booster in the UK. Depending on where you are there are different links so I’ve attached both -
(Apologies if you’re in Wales or Northern Ireland, I can’t see anything for these countries).
I phoned my Rheumatology Line today to ask if I was due to get a third dose seeing as I’m on 22.5mg MTX a week and the nurse knows nothing about it. Said he’d try and find out. Told him it was on the NHS Inform website but didn’t seem that interested. Separately my Dad who was previously shielding due to neutropenia had an appointment with his Haematology consultant today and asked the same question for himself, consultant said there was no such thing as a third dose. Seeing as I’ve been banging on about it for days my Dad knows all about it so challenged his reply. He eventually back tracked and said he supposed he’d better look into it as no doubt he’ll be getting more questions about it. My Dad actually got a letter in about a booster.
What a carry on. Why does no one seem to know what’s happening. If consultants are the ones deciding who gets a third dose (in Scotland) and consultants know nothing about it how on earth is this going to be rolled out properly.
Sorry for the mini rant but just wanted to flag this to everyone if you’re not already aware as it looks like the onus is on us to chase this up.
Take care everyone. XX