Morning everyone,
Since my last post I've been doing some digging and found out I can access my medical files electronically so as you can imagine I jumped at the chance of accessing this, I now don’t have to request information to see it myself which saves them really awkward whys from the doctor.
So when I was looking through my test results I found the last autoimmune profile they did and this was where I was told about the positive anti-nuclear antibody in the results but this has been in previous tests too in Dec/January and October they have the same reading as below:
Anti-Nuclear Antibodies IgG POSITIVE 1/320
Anti-Mitochondrial Antibodies Negative
Anti-Smooth Muscle antibodies Negative
Liver Kidney Microsomal Abs Negative
Liver Cytosol 1 (LC-1) Abs Negative
Gastric Parietal Cell Abs Negative
Further laboratory investigations to follow was at the bottom of the notes and next time I go they are checking these again (so 4th time) along with my inflammation levels, the doctor did ask if SLE ran in the family but apart from me and my brothers my dad’s family have all died so I've no knowledge of their medical history, also they weren’t the type to go to the doctors so if they did have something I wouldn’t know.
Please could someone explain to me what IgG Positive 1/320 means?
For any background I covered the majority of my symptoms in this earlier post:
Thanks again,