I’m 50 still having menstrual cycles but not as regular , I’m guessing im premenopausal, does lupus get worst ? Bc in the past year my raynauds, arthritic pains and recently muscles weakness ( difficult raising my legs, stairs , uphill etc) are a lot worst been given steroids but no much difference. Anyone been through the menopause or are going through it? Thank you 😊
Lupus and menopausal symptoms : I’m 50 still having... - LUPUS UK
Lupus and menopausal symptoms

Hi, I have scleroderma, PBC, sjogrens and hypothyroidism and I am aged 50 and very menopausal. I struggle a bit with the hot flushes and severe raynauds which is hard. I did take hrt for a while and now sage which is helping a little with the hot flashes. It's definitely worth a try to see if either suits you, as it's a lot to manage on top of autoimmune problems.
Hi, I am 56 and still going through it but not as bad as some ladies. I have osteoarthritis and osteoporosis but not due to the menopause, my issue is more with lack of sleep and depression. I recently hired a sun bed and that has definitely helped with the depression. In winter i suffer from SAD and the sun bed works wonders, even just small sun lamps have the same effect. My friend was suffering terribly and had a hysterectomy which is rather extreme and hasn't helped at all in fact she is worse. Apparently hrt works. All the best. 😊
I am definitely finding the Lupus is having issues with the hormones. Dr did say it would happen. Joy!
I think this is one of the least researched aspects of lupus. I used to have a brilliant consultant who did his PhD on lupus but when I asked whether menopause was likely to make symptoms worse he said he had no idea. My feeling is that it would be logical that it did (given the relationship with female hormones) and I think it has with me although that is difficult to be sure about given that there are always other factors at play (we need a big study to be done!!). I am just hoping the hormones settle down quickly and that I discover (along with you guys) that post menopause lupus becomes a walk in the park!! Lets hope so!!
I've just been going through the same thing...…. for some time now. I had early onset menopause, but was recently taken of the pill (hormone replacement) due to my Lupus specialist not liking me taking the oestrogen - hence I'm going through menopausal symptoms. It does feel like everything is gets worse - but technically - without estrogen - it should eventually help dampen the Lupus. In fact my anti - ds. DNA has never been better. My lupus specialist suggested......of all things - to swallow evening primrose oil like lollies and mix it with as many fish oil tablets as I could swallow. I thought surely there's something more fancy than this - but since I've been doing this - I have felt a little less knocked about. I also use Testosterone cream to give me a bit more oomph - and it does make me feel a little less tired and ratty - I really like the stuff. ( and haven't grown a beard yet ) and I also have the option to take progesterone - but Its a bit more dodgy - as I believe you cant stop and start with this one too much as a drop out of progesterone isn't entirely great for the lupus. (I think ??? - its the progesterone levels dropping after pregnancy that can cause a flare - its actually an anti - inflammatory that we produce to stop the immune system attacking the foetus) I tried a patch and I didn't like psychological effect of having it this way so I went without.
Its possible you're lack of progesterone might not be helping ? - but I'd assume that as long as the immune - suppression is OK it shouldn't be a biggie ?
Something to ask you're Doctors.
Thank you everyone, I’ll definitely ask the Specialist about hormones etc and see what he will suggest . I’ve been suffering with this condition ( lupus) for over 20 yrs and I’m taking exactly the same medications , no new studies or discoveries, if you compare it to other conditions like hiv / AIDS , hepatitis C ...some ppl suffering with those chronic illnesses have nearly been cured with new medications . I don’t understand why Lupus is so little talked about it , considering is a chronic illness hitting very young ppl women in particular.