Devastated to find out today that I didn’t get the higher rate mobility rate at my mandatory reconsideration, despite 8 doctors letters and a letter from the CAB. What do I do now for applying for a tribunal? Call or write? And what is a tribunal like? Trying to get into practical mode to stop crying.
Pip Tribunal : Devastated to find out today that I... - LUPUS UK
Pip Tribunal

I’m so sorry. This happened to me, and, guided by my Welfare Rights Officer I informed DWP I wanted a Tribunal. You then have a certain amount of time to explain how the assessor and DWP were mistaken. The WRO wrote the submission for me, with extra evidence, after going through all the paperwork so far and coming to the opinion I should have the extra points they didn’t award. There’s been further evidence since then, which has been accepted by the Tribunal. Next comes the long wait for a Tribunal date. My assessment was May last year and goodness knows when that will be.
Very rarely the DWP decide they will award the higher rate before the Tribunal, but over 70% of applicants get the DWP decision overturned.
I hope that give you a little bit of help. It’s fair to say most of us hate the PIP process, and the failures of the system have been questioned by politicians but I think they are rather busy on other matters at the moment. X
Thanks very much for writing and all your experience. I’ve been in touch with the CAB this morning and we will start the process. Here we go again. Fingers crossed I’m in the 70%. So sad this gov don’t care about people.
So true. I hope things go well for you. I was very shocked to have my full care element reduced after having had the full amount since DLA days. The initial letter from DWP actually said I might have to pay back the amount I’d had since the last PIP assessment, although I’m worse since then. Then they decided there was no way of proving that I was a fraud on the earlier assessment. They didn’t use the word fraud, but certainly implied it. That was incredibly humiliating. I’m neither a benefits cheat nor a liar, and the implication was very hurtful. They are ( insert bad word of choice here)
I have had the `threatening letter and got age Uk coming Tuesday to help me with my filling in, been in tears for 24 hrs a day for 3 weeks now, I cannot lose my Mobutu car or I will be housebound. What are they doing to us!
I couldnt lose my car either but i still lost it at tribunal i am now housebound and have been since january its been awful they dont care! I have no hope now in the system. I also had to be put on citalopram just to calm my panic attacks and anxiety down since its all been too much. Really hope you get some better news!