Hi Guys,
Got my Rheumatology letter yesterday, which threw me in multiple directions (and upset me about the breast explant situation again -- but I'll save that for another day). Because forefront on my mind is my Dermatology appt this afternoon.
Yesterday, I provoked 2 bright red, painful burns (in 10 mins) so I could capture pictures and prove it. I got my UV window filters out and lay underneath them, fully clothed, inside, where the sun was shining on the floor and again burned myself up in 10 minutes and had to hop away like a hot potato! Then I spent until 2a.m. researching what they had wanted to diagnose me with last year -- which is Solar Urticaria -- because I'm desperate that they rule out the EPP (type of porphyria) before doing so. Especially since I've taken all the meds for Solar Urticaria (same as mast cell meds) and they are not working. Not to mention the CTD meds not touching this either. Then at 1:50a.m. I found what I was looking for!
"EPP usually has skin pain as the predominant symptom. Solar urticaria always itches." (I do not have itching with the redness.) "...Finally, test results for antinuclear and Ro skin-sensitising antibodies (Ro SSA) will be negative in patients with solar urticaria."
(I am positive ANA and Ro+!!) Bingo! I really hope this means they will test me for this.
And I have decided since this is the 3rd summer I'm entering into this burning hell, that I am also bringing pictures of my quality of life when the sun comes out. Driving sleeves, parasol and hat; using the parasol inside on my sofa; and one with the buff over my chin and face smothered in hat just to take a walk on the local cliffs for 20 mins.
Pleased with myself, I was wrapping up my notes (who am I kidding? my school project!) when I spotted a part about surgery and photosensitivity.
"During surgery, EPP individuals may be at risk of burn injuries to skin and internal organs exposed to the strong lights found in operating theatres."
So... I am clearly seeing this is becoming an enormous pandora's box. What a lot I have a lot to accomplish today at Dermatology!! Hmmm...I wonder why I feel like I must accomplish it, instead of the consultants...? Probably because they are taking forever with MY life!
Thanks for joining me all. ; )