Following all the discussions on lupus and the sun, prompted me to wonder how many of us had indications way before we had more severe symptoms. As a child, the first thing that people always commented on was that even after being in the sun, I continued to be white except for on my nose and cheeks. If I did get any redness say on my shoulders, it would be gone the next day. Because being tan was considered normal and healthy looking, people even would accuse me of never being in the sun even as an adult. When I was in the sun as a teenager, I would feel ill and get headaches. Of course, I didn't make a big deal about it as I already seemed weird that I didn't get tan. I didn't want to seem weirder. My best friend throughout childhood always tanned nicely and my mother always compared us. My mom would say how she was "brown as a berry" and I was not. I was also very thin and my mother always said my friend was "built just right" compared to me.People didn't realize how hurtful that was to me.
Then when lupus symptoms started to really take over, it was my classic butterfly rash that made for a quicker diagnosis ( 4 months from feeling really ill). I do want to say the 2 dermatologists misdiagnosed the classic butterfly rash in the 4 months. I now think that my sun reactions early on were clues to lupus.
I am curious if anyone else had strange sun reactions before being diagnosed or from childhood.
Healing hugs.