Hello all. I am not diagnosed for have been generally unwell with fatigue/joint problems for some years. In August 2021 I became very ill with fever, rash, joint pain, and double pneumonia. I had been briefly bitten by a tick 2 weeks before but no bullseye rash. Doctors said my case was unusual and I has anti bodies for Lymes and EBV but not believed to be a current infection. They concluded it was likely Ehrlichiosis.
However since then, every 8-12 weeks I become ill, extreme fatigue and muscle weakness, fever, and the same rash across my chest which lasts approx 3 days.
In general I struggle sleeping at night due to pain elbows and burning knee pain, and pretty sure I have Raynauds. I’ve been from pillar to post but recently had a positive ANA test and pretty sure after a couple of recent sunbeds I have a malar rash across my face. So I am now wondering if it’s lupus and the tick bite was a red herring.
The rash on my chest is a mystery though and makes me feel less like I’m imagining everything. Has anyone had anything similar to this rash?