Kidney infection and wonder GP no.2: Yesterday I... - LUPUS UK


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Kidney infection and wonder GP no.2

8 Replies

Yesterday I had my monthly bloods done despite no longer being on MMF. Due to my own private renal worries re the tremors and twitches and sporadic pain in back since stopping MMF, I took in a pee sample with me. My favourite nurse, who calls herself “the Vampire” on my appointment stickers - found trace blood etc and sent it off to the hospital.

After another day and night of enormous thirst and huge amount of pee (almost looks like water?) - I got myself an urgent apt today with GP man - who is my named GP. I like him simply because he was kind to me about bowels/ IBS-c and now uses my Christian name and looks me straight in the eye without making me feel like I’m just a person with heightened health awareness or an ordinary everyday patient suffering from just this or that

He immediately said lab report is back and I need antibiotics for probable UTI. He said my bloods are same as usual ie some inflammation, eGFR same as usual ie gt 60 but my pee sample is “very mucky indeed” - not just trace blood but proteins too - which indicates a UTI further top of my urinary tract/ kidneys - hence some back and pelvic burning pain I’m guessing - “all absolutely in keeping with your Sjögren’s Disease”.

Then we discussed possible Diabetes Insipidus and likely renal involvement.

I explained these are now my main concern. He agreed that I have renal issues but said it all goes hand in hand with Sjögren’s/ CTD and is much more likely to be a recurring UTI with very mild CKD. He says people with Diabetes Insipidus literally drink gallons whereas I only drink pints! I did read an Oxford Rheumatology article which confirmed that up to 50% of Sjögren’s patients have Diabetes Insipidus but I kept this to myself!

He said that, re me seeing Dr P privately last year - on the whole this was probably helpful because she’s a Sjögren’s expert. But he added that she has recommended some unorthodox treatments in her letter and “reading between the lines here”, some of what she said and my decision to see her has provoked annoyance (I think he means nasty neuro) and he does feel that I have an excellent NHS rheum so hopes it’s her I will see again in six weeks time.

He said “we do need one consultant overseeing your complex CTD - and Sjögren’s is invariably very complex and we need to be guided by the expert. Sometimes normal problems occur such as a cold or fungal infection or chest infection - but often these are actually part of Sjögren’s with you and that’s been hard for me and my colleagues to fully grasp . Of course this means you find new symptoms a worry - it would be abnormal not to feel worried l!” He went on to say how little is really known about this disease - or even other CTDs that have been better researched and understood such as Lupus. Even the specialists are often forced to experiment and use unlicensed drugs, baffling GPs.

He could see my tremor in hands - which I described as mostly internal. I asked if antibiotics might settle it if UTI is the cause - he thought unlikely if part of my longstanding neurological problems but possible if UTI is as severe as my pee sample indicates. I showed him the ambulence report from Friday night and he pointed out that my temperature was raised and pulse very high, furthering his suspicions of some infection.

I admit I like this chap - and not just for being prepared to say “Sjögren’s” to me multiple times!!

And unlike my wonder GP he works there full time so is more accessible. So I’ve now got 2 good GPs and a good rheum.

He is referring me back to ENT - this time for clarity over longstanding dizziness and vertigo. He accepts that viral labynthitis might have been an acute aspect of infection but I’ve had this underlying dizziness for over a year now - maybe longer. This needs investigating as a possible autoimmune ear condition relating to my Sjögren’s he feels.

As I left his room, thanking him greatly for not just treating one body part or system and for respecting the impact this disease is having on me - I did what I always do and stopped in my tracks. He looked at me and signed towards the nearby waiting room with his hands and exit saying “it’s that way you need to go”.

A small thing and a bit embarrassing because I feel thick and try not to let people see. But his noticing my ongoing problem was significant to me because I have never yet mentioned my spatial issues or inability to navigate interiors by memory, without clear signage. Hence why “popping” to toilets while out often leads to texts from my hubby saying “are you lost in basement somewhere or have you expired?”!!!

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8 Replies

Yes he is!! I got the wrong impression for ages because my friends, who used to live here, disliked him and most of his colleagues (made formal complaints about one of his colleagues and very critical of him too). I think reading his copy my neuro letter has helped! They are both the kind of people who expect doctors to know everything though!


maggielee profile image

Another wow twitchy that sounds like a really positive meeting with your gp wonder II .... 👏👏 so they don't like specialist in their fields giving advise is the neuro & Dr. P!!! I was wondering what the unorthodox suggestion s were and if I had some of the same.... Just pleased it sounds !like having as is challenging all involved patients & specialists and can be complex & that some symptoms for people autoimmune can be worse than for folks without... UTI sounds a worry...

As it is late for me - I Heard on the BBC today that a study of older people (guys?) that cycle can have the autoimmune system of a 20 year old... I announce to my husband when I got home that I can cure myself, if I just go out & cycle again 🚴🚴🚴🚴 . Of course I have little energy & I have to hide from UV light 😎 , it maybe a little harder to do, but good to know I maybe able to improve my autoimmune !!!😋 gotta laugh about studies sometimes....


in reply to maggielee

Well I wrote UTI then my hubby who has worked for years with the elderly said that it’s a kidney infection as I have no burning pain when I pee - all discomfort is in my back - exactly where my kidneys are and why GP said my upper UTI needs strong antibiotic ASAP.

No one has checked my pee for infection or changes in BP med dosages since my last kidney infection last summer! Makes me wonder how long this has gone on for.

Re bikes - my hubby has just spent his birthday money on a vintage style American bike with leather seat and handlebars. He starts a new job soon and is determined he will cycle 7 miles each way. But so far said bike is sitting next to his side of the bed - as yet untried or tested by him lol!

I admit I’m jealous as I loved cycling and would love to have the immunity of even a healthy 55 year old. But with my poor balance around moving vehicles and ataxia I’d be endangering anyone and everyone around me!! Xx

maggielee profile image

Mind you it has been snowing abit, but spring is in the air south west of you, soon in the north, good bicycle season soon... Not advisable at this time for u to challenge this particular 2 wheel transport, maybe tandem bike 🚴🚴... Hope antibiotics kick in soon. M L

Melba1 profile image

Great to be listened to and have some understanding! He sounds like a very nice doctor. Must admit I thought the same about your temperature and heart rate from the ambulance note although if you’re an autonomic dysfunction person also wondered if yours varies a lot anyway? Since I’ve had autonomic problems my heart rate has been 70-175 and my temp 35-39 - all with no infection.

Oh dear, I can completely sympathesise with your directional challenges as I’m exactly the same! I’m almost always 180 degreees wrong so if I take that into account and go the opposite way to the one I think is correct I am usually right. Embarrassing though and I’m sure people just can’t comprehend how we can get it wrong!

Really hope all the recoverable things are starting to resolve - last thing you needed on top of all the normal autoimmune rubbish 🙁


in reply to Melba1

Thanks Melba. I reckon with me it’s about 50/50 between an underlying infection and my autonomic dysfunction on this occasion. The flare in autonomic dysfunction was the way this underlying infection manifested in me I believe.

And temperature of 37.4 is soaring for me! Due I think to Hashimoto’s and AD my normal temperature is always super low - 35-36 I believe. Not that I take it often but it usually fools doctors into thinking o don’t have a fever when I do!

Can you believe I’ve had seven (long) GP apts, a phone consult with my rheum and with this no.2 gp and another since mid January, not to mention OOH doctor and paramedics - and not one of the GPs has suggested I bring in a pee sample?!

The proof that this kidney infection has had a wider impact on me is the fact that this antibiotic (I’ve never tried before 😬), Co-trimoxazole, appears already to have significantly sorted out the night sweats and tremors - which of course is fab!! I still have the usual very fine tremor in my peripheries and all the sensory rubbish of course but then I’ve had these for years.

But what about the fact that no one, not even wonder GP no.1, has suggested that I might have a kidney infection in the picture apart from a couple of paramedics?

I had to go to the nurse with my pee sample unbidden, convinced that I did have. And yet I’ve been given 40mg Prednisolone, inhalers and a betablocker, drop in and then raise of Losartan all in this time span?! Not to mention coming off the max dose of MMF.

I feel a living wage is in order for Dr Twitchy!! X

Melba1 profile image

Dr Twitchy indeed - and proof you’re right to trust your instincts.

Talking about Dr Twitchy - did you get your PhD funding application in or has all this health rubbish put that on hold?

in reply to Melba1

Well hmmm! I had to cancel a meeting to run through my proposal with my potential first supervisor last week because of snow. Now he’s got a heavy cold so he’s passed me onto second supervisor who is a cell biologist - never met him but he sounds cool and works for Wellcome Trust. He hasn’t responded yet. Also I’ve emailed the PhD coordinator to help me draw up a competitive budget for deadline 29th of this month.

I do have a lovely member here who has agreed to read it through for me with the guidance email from a portfolio advisor (humanities) from Wellcome setting requirements out clearly. But tbh I’m feeling that it’s a bit of a shot in dark as the uni staff are dragging heels and I’ve been ill and have dog op ahead and so on. The pot of funding for humanities and social science is just tiny. Still I’ll give it a go with help from the person here. Nothing to lose at least! Xx

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