Evening All,
I was wondering if someone would be able to help me understand the following points of the letter my Rheumatologist has sent to my GP. The letter says its a possible connective tissue disorder/lupus and I have started taking Hydroxychloroquine - I've been on the medication for two months now and am due to go back to my specialist in March.
The letter states my ANA was positive but double stranded DNA and ENA were both negative - what are these tests? Do they further indicate lupus or do they have to be positive for a formal diagnosis?
I forgot to mention about my kidney pain I have been having when I was at the original appointment I have been prescribed antibiotics for urine infections 4 times in 2019 as I went to my GP with pain (not when urinating but around the kidney area) they tested my urine and it had a large count of white plus red blood cells. The samples were sent each time to the lab but it comes back as no infection - is this worth telling the specialist next time I go? Sometimes when I urinate I notice blood too (its not a period either) I have been worried about for a while now but I am unsure if I should go to my GP or wait until I next see the Rheumatologist.
If anyone could help me out that would be great!
Thank you,
Leenie x