I have posted here before trying to reach out to others in my area, under the Hywel Dda Health Board but no one replied.
I live in Pembrokeshire, South West Wales.
I have had the pleasure of meeting Maggielee via this site and we meet for a catch up whenever we can.
I recently asked the South Wales branch of Lupus UK if there was a support group local to me and there isn't.
They suggested I might be interested in starting one.
I am becoming more and more passionate about raising awareness of this awful chronic illness and wanting to help and support each other but I have quite bad fatigue that isn't improving and 3 children to juggle.
Rather than start a branch, I would be interested in just a more informal support group. More social rather than obligations of a committee etc.
So curious if any of you attend meetings in your area and who runs them?
Or do you all just come to this online group for your advice and support?
I'm guessing I would need to put a poster in my local Rheumy department waiting room to find others with lupus in my area, as no one replied here.